chimera itself is kept in two places: in production vials in an incubation room and housed in a small airtight chamber - inside three injection guns. the atrium? one of a kind. runs down the center of the building. provides 24-hour natural light via mirrors and daylight storage cells. optimal growing conditions for the virus. ends in a glass floor which doubles as part of the lab's ceiling. and if the louvers are open for more than thirty seconds at night, the civil emergency alarms are tipped. those even i can't stop. thirty seconds total to get you in and the cable out. nineteen. eighteen. seventeen. sixteen. fifteen. gotta get that cable out. three. two. one. the question is 'how many of 'em?' i can't get thru to ethan. not 'til the generators go off. not for another eight and a half minutes. he's still got three injection guns in the test lab. they're loaded with doses of chimera which he'll destroy by firing into a hyper-thermal chamber. ethan, nyah's in the building! do you copy? ethan, just picked up an ambrose call - nyah's been dropped off. i think she's alive. ethan? do you copy? can't. until i can get the gps up on our computer. it's still down. ethan, we've got her. tracking to you now. we're reading 5 minutes 19 seconds.