thanks - mate. it's the transponder. the satellite doesn't work as fast as i do. it certainly is. how did we get so lucky? with what? this is the only computer that'll do this. it is, billy. ethan, here's nekhorvich, and here's his boss then cambridge. harvard. entrepreneurial efforts. in efforts. in 1989, acquired biocyte in hostile takeover. why's nekhorvich going on about an old greek myth? that simple, huh? right. i guess there aren't many flu epidemics in the middle of summer. nekhorvich's boss? looks like ambrose is showing mccloy how to use a digital camera. ambrose just pulled the memory card out of the digital camera and put it into an envelope, put it in his inner left jacket pocket. roger that. left jacket pocket confirmed. perspiring, approaches the betting table thru the last of the parked cars. is racing back to the van. there in twenty, ethan. i'm booted up. go, ethan. here's a victim from the bruny island outbreak. what manic invents disease like that in the first place? why would he do it? she must still be on the property. so ambrose has bellerophon and mccloy's got chimera. yeah. why else would he come back to australia? if he had them both, he could sell them anywhere. you've got the voice print, i'll get us in. sorry, that it a biocyte facility, their storage structure. okay, here you go - all storage and production of chimera is done here, in this lab on the forty-second floor, the heart of the building. no garage entrance. lobby's protected by five guards on rotating patrol. hey, atrium roof closes at sundown. thirty-second opening in the roof and a 250-foot drop. i'm not ready! c'mon! c'mon! c'mon! oh. uh. commencing diversion. alarm in cosmetics. transponder activated. reading package and cable is clean. he's on his way. ethan, the generators are about to go active. we'll be out of contact for eleven minutes. billy. i think we got a problem. nyah's on the wing. up early. billy, do you copy? in the building. i am. she is. it looks like nyah's headed toward an elevator. she's in the elevator heading toward ethan. five and a half minutes. he's breached the hot zone. he should've have killed the virus in the incubation area. nyah's exited the elevator on the same level as the lab. hope he kills all the bugs before the yellow dot gets to the red one. - twenty-seven, twenty-six, twenty-five, come on, ethan we're almost there! i-i'm off sensitive for this. oh - oh - oh - ethan, i keep telling you there's not a chance of locating nyah til i access the satellite and there's not a chance of doing that til i get this thing booted up and running! how much time does she have left? right. somewhere in sydney. not for seven more minutes. ethan? ethan? do you copy? ethan, the computer's up. i've got nyah. she's moved out of the city. she's on the north head bluff - approaching the cliffs. one klick away. we won't be able to cover you. billy, north head. haul ass. range is two kay. we're down to seven minutes 23 seconds. bearing two one zero. about 3 klicks. ethan, we're moments away. so what did he say? and the check's in the mall. always nice hearing from you man. stay in touch.