george. george. george. regains consciousness. he's got tubes coming out of every orifice and is contained in the equivalent of a plastic bubble. drenched in perspiration and he looks around for a call button. he grips the side of the bed. bloody room. just. shut your eyes, shut your eyes. what's happening here? you're dead! it was in the bloody papers, on the telly. what's this about gradski? how could i possibly be infected? you have bellerophon. you took it! all of it! and what if i need it? oh, please! how was i to know they had to be treated with bellerophon within twenty hours? you still don't get it, do you? you want to make an omelet, you break a few eggs - i needed to know just how bad the disease was - in the real world, not the lab. and you never know til you try. you thought you were genetically splicing together strains of influenza to create a cure for all influenzas. but i saw you creating a disease so terrible in chimera that the cure would be priceless. well, the thought had occurred to me. i needed chimera in order to peddle bellerophon. for hero to be appreciated, you need a monster. now that's not so difficult to understand, is it? look, time was a shot of penicillin could knock off every bloody bug in the zoo! not anymore!. have you any idea the r&d money it takes to float one little pissy boutique antibiotic that's barely effective against one strain of one bacterium? if i couldn't makes money killing the microscopic little shits that are out there, you'd help me put one out there i can make on!. there it is. i've confessed. i, john c. mccloy, am in business to make money. lilly's making billions feeding prozac to depressed dogs. pfizer doesn't even know where to put the money they're making on viagra, and let me tell you that shit didn't do a thing for me even at twice the recommended dose, jesus, who do i have to screw to get a a break!. now get me out of here, get me treated and let's go back to work!. wakes with a start. the window's lowered -- billy's in livery. - where's george. my regular driver. where is he? well, then. you've got both the virus and the anti-virus, chimera and bellerophen. which means i've thirty million for you then what do you want? bellerophen? no time at all once i've got it. what are you talking about? where? outrageous. i won't let you take control of my company. yes, start the transfer. what exactly do you intend to do with him? what do you intend to do?