all done, chief. not possible. all cats are. not everything. why do you think she's really here? wasn't exactly gagging for it when she left you six months ago. the question is, do you trust her? well, you've thorough about it, at any rate. sean. sean, please. i do!. approaches the door thru which nyah had gone and starts to open it - only to have the door slammed in his face and on his bandaged finger by billy, in a track usher's uniforms. say again? whatever you're about in future, watch your step. never know who you might run into. where's the loo then? get your bet down? i thought you were going to dinner. where is it? you were right. hunt stung mccloy tonight. he knows. they'll be going into biocyte. not exactly, mate. you're too trusting. raise your hands slowly. afraid he's got no choice. i believe i broke his jaw.