good morning, mr. hunt. fetival's a pain in the ass. honoring saint by setting'em on fire. sit down, sit down. don't be. wouldn't be on vacation if you did. why did you phrase it like that? 'you're sorry and i'm sorry.' let me ask you something. you have any idea what the hell he's talking about? like? dr. vladimir nekhorvich is dead. so is his colleague, gradski, but that happened earlier. we had nekhorvich on a flight from sydney that crashed in the rockies. you were there. when i couldn't find you, i had to replace you. sean ambrose was the obvious choice. he double you, what? two, three times? what did you think of him? not necessarily. airline record list captain harold macintosh as the pilot for flt 2207. as far as the media and all governmental agencies are concerned, captain macintosh died on the flight, but in fact he missed it. he did, however make the next flight - in cargo, stuffed into a rather small suitcase considering his size. then you do think it was ambrose. enough to kill nekhorvich and two hundred innocent passengers? the question is why? what was this chimera nekhorvich was carrying? in any case, you've got to recover chimera and bring it to us. - right. in fact since the plane went down our banking sources have confirmed a marked increase in the stock pilling of cash in terrorists accounts. well you know nekhorvich's history. you're the one who got him out of the soviet union was it still in bio- weapon business. - is where miss hall comes in. miss hall and ambrose had a relationship which he took very seriously. she walked away and he's wanting her back ever since. we believe she's our surest and quickest way of location him. then makes sure she continues to see him. gets him confide in her and report to you. well, then i mislead you. or you made the wrong assumption. either way we're asking her to resume a prior relationship, not do anything she hasn't already done. go to bed with a man and lie to him? she's a woman. she's got all the training she needs. you mean it'll be difficult. well it's not mission difficult, hunt. it's mission impossible. difficult should be a walk in the park for you. if you can think of a quicker way to get to ambrose, you're welcome to try. oh, by the way, you might want to take a look at these. if you have any further qualms about getting her to do the job. 'dreaming of birds and flying fox,' 'bushfire dreaming,' 'wind dreaming,' -- oddly appropriate - we could lock down passport control and all ports of authority, but that won't stop ambrose, and beyond him, we don't know who else we're looking for -- all terrorist bank accounts of which we're aware are stable. no deposits, no withdrawals. therefore no suspects. do you? even assuming you're able to prevent ambrose selling chimera, you've now got an additional problem. you destroyed all of chimera at biocyte. if ambrose is going to sell chimera now, he'll have to do it by taking a pint or so of miss hall's blood to market. but that leaves another seven or eight pints of chimera. yes, i believe that's right. now my understanding is that 20 hours after exposure, the victim becomes infectious. highly infectious. you noted the time of exposure? - good. then if you manage to get hold of ambrose, and obtain what he's got, you've got - - 8 hours 57 minutes and twenty-three seconds to destroy the largest remaining source of chimera on earth. brave girl. if you can get hold of bellerophon with the time limit, you may spare her the ultimate sacrifice. but in either case you've got less than nine hours to kill her or cure her. after that it's out of our hands and a matter of worldwide material law. and hunt. however you obtain it, we want you to preserve a sample of chimera. bring it back alive. something else? no. i can't afford to be curious. and neither can you, hunt. sorry, ethan. i don't quite know where to begin. any suggestions? why not? you've done just about everything else on this operation. of course it was. anyone whose operations requires the level of disinformation that yours do, is bound to get a little flak here and there. you try flogging the stories on cnn i've had to come up with about what's been going on around here the last few days. at any rate, it's been most instructive -- what they'll swallow, or what they'll broadcast with a straight face. miss hall's blood, it appears, has absolutely no elements of the chimera virus. not even antibodies. and the only other remaining sample was in the canister you recover from ambrose. and that appears to have been destroyed. it also contained the anti-virus, bellerophon. but you were under specific instructions to bring back a living sample of the chimera virus. i'd be very interested to know how, after you'd managed its recovery intact, it subsequently got destroyed. so you didn't fail mission, you simply changed it. in this case, it wasn't a bad idea. in face, it was a pretty damn good idea. just don't make a habit of it. and, as for ms. hall, in light of her efforts, her criminal records will certainly be expunged. i'm assuming you approve. where is she now, by the way? do you know? well, hunt, what are your plans? oh, you don't have to do that. wouldn't be a vacation if you did.