up in the ceiling above it, one of the screws starts to move in the ventilator shaft, unscrewing. when it appears ready to drop out, a thin strip of metal snakes out from between the bars of the shaft and edges up next to the screw. it is eerily still in the locked-down computer room we saw earlier. no-one is there, there's not a sound but for the gentle hum of the computer as it waits to be put to use. the technician crosses to the computer and sits down, a stack of work to his right. unfortunately, he's three feet away from it. he stretches his arms but can't reach. ethan gestures to him, pointing to the floor. slowly, krieger drops him another few feet. now ethan's lower than the terminal and still three feet away from it. ethan's ear receiver whispers ever-so-slightly. he reaches out, to the upside down keyboard, cranes his head to see it and starts typing, softly. ethan types in the contends, presses enter and the screen displays a comforting message: the 3.5 disk is ejected from the floppy drive. ethan pockets it and signals to be raised. ethan is near the ceiling, but krieger isn't pulling any more. ethan looks up at him, wide-eyed and gestures to pull him up. krieger shakes his head no. ethan still dangles. holding the rope with one hand, krieger holds out his other, demanding something. he wants the disk. ethan, still hanging upside down, has refused. krieger demands again. ethan is hoisted up. ethan has the diskette in his mouth. krieger leans down and takes it. he drops the knife. the technician enters the room and shuts the door. he sees the knife, picks it up, looks at it and then puts it down. he resumes his work at the computer but when he punches up his program, something prints out on his screen. its header: