luther is in the belly of the fire truck with a ton of equipment -- three laptops, a bundle of phone cable, a mini- dish antenna, a cellular phone, several thick phone company manuals with names like "cosmos" and "switched access service." luther stares at another one of his laptops, this one with a blueprint of the inside of the building. a cursor begins to flash in one of the rooms. luther smiles. in the fire truck, luther, who is watching on the visco monitor, turns his head upside down to get a look at what ethan sees. luther cranes his head again to see the computer terminal through ethan's trembling viewpoint. he whispers more commands. luther's eyes widen as he gets his first look, on the visco monitor, of the specific information they're downloading. the noc list. luther pulls himself together and whispers another command into the microphone. on one of luther's laptops, the blinking cursor starts to move down a corridor. luther speaks into his microphone. the cursor is halfway across the screen. the blinking cursor is near the edge of the screen and luther is sweating.