good morning, mr. phelps. the man you're about to see is aleksander golitsyn -- -- a former kgb line x officer now working the international black market selling intelligence. this morning, we learned that golitsyn has stolen one half of a cia noc list, the list of our non- official cover agents working in eastern europe. for security reasons, the noc list is divided into two encoded halves. golitsyn already has the cryptonym portion, which contains agent code names and targeting areas. this portion is useless unless combined with the second half -- the true name list that is kept in the cia station in our embassy in prague. we believe golitsyn plans to steal the true name list at an embassy function tomorrow night. your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to obtain photographic proof of the theft, apprehend those involved, and return the stolen list. i don't have to stress the importance of this matter, jim. we're keeping it internally black. because of its urgency, i've already sent to prague a team selected from your usual group. ethan hunt will of course be your point man, as usual. he's in kiev; we're getting word to him now. as always, should you or any member of your im force be caught or killed, the secretary will disavow all knowledge of your actions. this tape will self- destruct in five seconds. good luck, jim! this is kittridge. go ahead. whos dead? are you damaged? are you intact? let's just bring you in safely, and then we'll worry about that, okay? were you followed? dont think, be sure. are you clean? location green. one hour. ill be there myself. heard a lot about you, hunt. dont disappoint me. one hour. i can't tell you how sorry i am. i know how much jim in particular meant to you, ethan. personally as well as professionally. passport, visas - you know the drill. we'll work the exfiltration thru canada, debrief you at langley. throw the prague police a bone, you know toss them a few suspects. follow me? we've lost enough agents for one night. you seem hell bent on blaming yourself, ethan. yes. i see your point. what? i don't quite follow you. you're right. maybe this'll save some time. for a little over two years now we've been spotting serious blowback in imf operations. we have a penetration. the other day we decoded a message on the internet from a czech we know as "max." that's right. max, it seems, has two unique gifts -- a capacity for anonymity and for corrupting susceptible agents. this time he's gotten to someone on the inside - he's put himself in a position to buy our noc list. an operation he referred to as "job 314". the job he thought golitsyn was doing tonight. correct the actual list is safe at langley. "golitsyn" was a lightning rod, one of ours. yes, the mole's deep inside. and -- like you said. you survived. i want to show you something, ethan. since your father's death, your family's farm has been in sub-chapter s and now, suddenly, they're flush with over a hundred and twenty grand in the bank. dad's illness was supposed to have wiped out the bank account -- dying slowly in america after all, can be a very expensive proposition ethan. so, why don't we go quietly out of here onto the plane. ethan, i can understand you're very upset. all right, enough is enough hunt. you've bribed, cajoled, killed - and relied on intimate loyalties to get away with it. you're determined to shake hands with the devil and i'm going to make sure you do it in hell. the man's gone black, barnes. he's under until he decides to surface. what can we do, barnes? put a guy at the airport? how many identities do you think hunt has? how many times has he slipped past custom, in how many countries? these guys are trained to be ghosts. we taught them how to do it, for christ's sake! let's not waste time chasing him. make him come to us. everybodys got pressure points. find out something that's important to him personally and you squeeze. i can't believe what i'm listening to. hunt just kicked us in the ass, you guys are standing here trying to figure out what kind of shoes he had on! i don't care how he did it, i want to know why he did it! is he recruiting? for what purpose? too short sighted. this guy's proactive, he initiates. the question is what does he want now and where does he need to get it and barnes what the hell is that noise?! oh, for -- do we have to evacuate? think, for christ's sake, you guys are mired in detail, open your minds, it's gotta be staring us in the face! what does ethan hunt want?! okay! and where is the list vulnerable? other than here. kittridge, yup? you and i know about this -- and that's where it stops. understand? it never happened. i want him manning a radar tower in alaska by the end of the day. just mail him his clothes. kittridge. it's hunt. what do you need for a pinpoint? been watching a little t.v., have you? get mi5. ethan, i want to reassure you that my first order of business after you come in is to get these ridiculous charges against your family dropped and eliminated completely from their files. come in now, we can plea down the charges against you as well. certainly ethan. i don't know, ethan. suppose you tell me? he wanted us to know he was in london. how long to the london terminus? youve got ten. move! and if we dont find him - well search the whole train again. high speed train. no-one gets on. no- one gets off. high security. good place for a pass off to max. hes putting on a show, barnes. i dont know. it didnt say on the tickets. this is bullshit - we dont even know what max looks like. good idea. get this door open. hello, luther. wheres hunt? where? good morning, mr phelps. maybe we'll just keep the courts out of this one. you know, i would love to try.