in langley? the one in virginia, langley? what are we downloading? what kind? i don't know. this i don't know. there was never any physical evidence that i had anything to do with that. that. with that exceptional piece of work. you're all kidding yourselves. even with top of the line crypto. cray access. stu 3's -- thinking machine laptops, i'm talking about the 686 prototypes -- with the artificial intelligence risk chip -- and i get to keep the equipment when we're done. i can't just hack my way inside. there's no modem access to the mainframe, it's in a stand-alone. i'd have to be physically at the terminal. and you really think we can do this. twenty-one, twenty-one -- hi there. type this password: aw96b6. return. go to the files menu, find the noc list file. open "noc list." put your diskette in. double click on the noc list. ok, good! it's scrolling. 0k, now we're going to download. edit menu. select "copy to disc". you're downloading. when it's all green it's done. holy mother of god. you've done it. eject it. he's rolling. get moving! get out of there -- get out of there -- he's at the vault - get moving! 1 yellow, 2 yellows. toast! you're not moving! phew! noc list. krieger did have the noc list. what makes you trust me? i'm not letting this list get out in the open. it's hard to tell. i'm gonna have to be close. mr. kittridge, the noc list is being modemed off the train. i think this is what you're looking for. reach your folks? how they feeling? the official apology from the justice department, the vip treatment, you know, the whole nine yards. cheers. hey, i'm the flavour of the month! sure. they want me back in so i won't break in! they still can't figure out how we did it. i figured i'd let 'em reinstate my back pay, give me a promotion, check out my office at langley and then, maybe, talk about it. why don't you come back with me? you really liked phelps, didn't you? oh man. i don't know. i'm gonna miss being disreputable.