no, i prefer the theatre. perhaps you'd choose one for me. a hundred and sixty-seven, i think it is. take it all, if you want. after this one. what the hell's made you decide to take your leave at the worst possible time? claire's in a weird mood too. i don't know, i had to go to chicago again. you were in kiev. you tell me. when you started noticing your short term memory loss. what the problem was you and claire had in kiev? ah, god, forget it. what are we talking burnout here? ethan, you can't burn out. because i can't afford it. and because you'd burn up before you'd burn out. wonderful. ran into a convention of auto dealers at the drake hotel. you hear the one about the astronaut who comes back from the first manned flight to mars after two years? his wife's got a year old kid. so he says "all right. who was it? my friend harry?" she says no. "oh, it was my friend sammy." she says it wasn't sammy. "oh, i suppose it was my friend lou." "no, what's the matter, don't you think i have any friends of my own?!" boy, you really are grim. come here, take a look. beyond charles bridge there is our embassy. see it? tomorrow night, if anything goes wrong, this guy will steal the names of our agents in every country all over eastern europe. up for grabs to the highest bidders -- third world terrorists, arms dealers, drug lords -- any and everybody who'd love to get rid of long term coverts like us, and some very dear friends among them. if they're exposed, they'll be executed. come over here. take a lock at this. he's our guy. not this week. this week he's flyfishing at the oughterard slough in county kildare, with one of our best irish guides. no, not in a hurry. what do you think? you think the plot'll work? if you were me, ethan, who would you trust to make him believable? are you gonna take it? thank you. ethan. jack's inside. window's open by twenty-three hundred. sarah, mark the package and go to two. hannah. he's marked. lets go. jack's pinned down sarah. should be a second. keep dancing. hannah -- i'm blind again. hannah. get moving, ethan. he's rolling to you. he's in the box, ethan, he's in the box! opening the doors. go under. jack, what are you doing?! i dont have it -- i dont have control! man down. stay where you are. im on my way. en route. ive got a shadow. no. abort. abort. thats an order. no, damn it, no, i said abort! where are you? theyre covering this frequency, ethan. cut all radio communications. repeat. cut all radio communications. ethan, what are you doing? i needed you, ethan. 1 needed you on the bridge, and -- you weren't there. ethan? ethan? you're a hard man to catch up with. the next day i managed to drag myself to the safe house, must've just missed you. anyway, i checked our aliases. - but you left before i could get there and i could check just so many places. - so i watched europe. once you showed up in england. it was easy. hey, i showed 'em to you! i can sit up straight. i just can't. sit up straight very well. it's not important! i saw who shot me. ethan, i saw the mole. it was kittridge. kittridge! yeah. when you think about it, ethan, it was inevitable. no more cold war. no more secrets you keep from everyone but yourself, operations you answer to no one but yourself. then one morning you wake up and find out the president of the united states is running the country - without your permission. the son-of-a- bitch! how dare he? you realize its over, youre an obsolete piece of hardware not worth upgrading, youve got a lousy marriage and sixty-two grand a year. kittridge, well go after that no good son-of-a-bitch, big time! whats going to make him do that? jesus, ethan. good for you. tight security. no guns. real plus. i was sitting in a cafe waiting for you and suddenly there she was, standing in the rain just outside the safe house. alive and beautiful. and thinking im dead and gone. god knows what shes had to do forget about me to keep going and get the job done, i. - no. she cant know about me. no one can. not til this is over. theres too much at stake, ethan. i usually am. you got it. good luck. yes. ethan hunt, darling. remember him? course he did. just exactly when he knew is something of a question. before or after i showed in london, mind telling me, ethan? they stamped it, didnt they? those damn gideons. two minutes til krieger shows. thisll have to be quicker than id like. certainly quicker than youd like. why the masquerade? why take the risk? well, claire, youve asked the question and you are the answer. but, he didnt know about you. in all fairness, ethan, claire was never convinced her charms would work with you. but i was supremely confident - having tastes the goods. "thou shall not covet thy neighbours wife", ethan. oh, ethan is in love with you, claire, make no mistake about it. and like all the worlds lovers, hes tortured by the same, one pathetic question - "does she feel the same way i do?" well claire do you? have you been exploiting his feelings or returning them? count it. keep counting claire. satisfied? fold it. fold it tight. dont flatter yourself - six was for eastern europe. you made a lousy deal - ten for the world? what is that? but i needed you for the transfer with max. i got a little extra change; and you got a little extra too. sorry ethan. times up. say goodbye. you son of a bitch. now we dont have to eliminate him? you like that, dont you claire? dont you? ethan - ive always taught you, nothing can be more dangerous than the truth. it can kill you.