attitude control thrusters on the hull begin firing in pulses. the rotation of the lower hab deck immediately starts to slow down. the great red ball of mars drifts by. the lower hab deck is no longer revolving. woody pops his thrusters and drifts over the metallic skin. but there's such a vast area to search! woody still drifts over the hull, searching intently as his frustration builds. woody spots a tiny geyser of brownish ice crystals spouting out of the hull of the lower hab. it's some distance away from him, but clearly visible. woody, popping his thrusters, moves as fast as he can towards the protruding finger of crystal, but he's not there yet. woody arrives at the ice finger, knocks away the big crystal, then pulls his patch equipment from a pouch. outside, woody slaps a big square patch over the hole, rips off the backing. woody floats above the repaired hole, scanning the nearby surface of the hull.