mcconnell runs to a computer terminal and starts clicking with the mouse. terri, staring at the ceiling, sees something remarkable. terri pushes off from the ladder, drifting weightlessly down to mcconnell. she opens the valve of the oxygen cannister, pushing the plastic mask over mcconnell's face. he sucks in air, color returning to his skin as he revives. mcconnell, holding his breath, grabs a patch gun from a storage locker. terri's still got the 0-2 cannister. he nods to her, and together they push off from the floor, leaping weightlessly up to the other side of the hab, the "ceiling." they reach the gaping puncture, which they now see has been only partially dammed by the soda ice. in the hab, terri uses the base of the 0-2 cannister to smash away the interior ice chunk, then mcconnell, who's getting wobbly again, blasts the hole with the epoxy gun. as he works, terri gives him another hit of air. feeble starlight from the viewports. mcconnell and terri, drifting side by side, stare at one another, expecting to die within seconds. it feels like an agonizing eternity.