on a large center display screen, we see luke and the mars one crew, sitting around their kitchen table in the hab, finishing lunch while taping this video message. the ambassadors enter, oohing and ahhing over the impressive array of gadgetry and personnel, and especially over the big screen. some of them start taking souvenir snaphots. the nigerian ambassador turns to beck, whispering curiously. mcconnell is taping an audio message to be sent to mars as the rest of mmcr looks on. beck is gone. so are the u. n. ambassadors. mcconnell is handed a slip of paper, glances at it. mcconnell checks over his clipboard list of updates. mcconnell still hovers by the microphone. as mcconnell finishes his message to luke. fingers press buttons on a console. mcconnell, woody, terri, and phil are crowded around a monitor with beck and two weary