hey, woody, our mars one crew won't be heading back to earth till ten days after you guys land at our base camp with mars two. that's a pretty good long rendezvous. maybe you should bring a baseball bat. yes? american baseball? our two crews could have ourselves a little solar system series. no, no, we have equal crews. three men, one woman. same handicap. hey, c'mon! we've got a scientific duty to check that thing out. no, the amazons. nah, too smooth. too angular. volcanic upwelling? sixteen kilometers northeast. take us twenty minutes to get there. jesus christ. hey, nick. come show me how stupid i am. i can't get this to work. all set here, chief. flips a switch on the radar gun, then swivels its muzzle slowly across the near slope of the mountain. we hear and feel the radar signal. the immediate result is that the pulsing tone we've been hearing suddenly stops. snatched up by the wind, then swept past him, in a terrifying blur, arms and legs flailing, mouth open in a silent scream as he vanishes.