what are you suggesting, sergei? please. half you guys are foreigners. we'd crush you. easy now, you're talking about my wife. and terri just happens to be one helluva shortstop. you wanna know the sad part? technically i outrank her. but if we want any peace at all on mars two, i'm gonna be saying a lot of "yes, dears." i wish we were all going. together. oh, you're not gonna bring that up again -- you just can't let that go -- bullshit, we would've made a great crew. yeah, who landed the crippled block ii shuttle? let it go, luke. you read the same damn science fiction books that i did! you're just not man enough to wear jewelry! you want flash. you know you want him. well you'll have to come through me! internal combustion, boys. accept no substitutes. jim, if there's ever. if there's anything terri and i can do -- see you when i get to mars, luke. don't solve all the mysteries of the universe, okay? leave a little something for the next guys. you got it. "problem: hatch door malfunction, backup power fail, manual override fail. solution: replace circuit breaker 907b." okay. piece of cake. god, who dreams up these nightmares? i'm not! we're talking about your sister's wedding, right? honey, do you mind? i've got a catastrophic power failure here. i danced with you at our wedding. face it, honey, some couples dance, some go to mars. that's life. if they see me dance, they'll know there's something wrong. phil, c'mon! we just started this drill. what do you mean, "intense"? what about the remo? it went into mars orbit last week. maybe that could give us some clue. show us whatever you've got. but that energy pulse they picked up in new mexico. causing this kind of damage? i don't buy it. we're missing something here. other than the computers, how do we think the erv fared? which means it's gonna be up to us to get new motherboards, drives, and software to mars. as fast as we can. luke needs us now. good idea phil. if sima tells us luke hasn't survived and it's not safe to land, we swing around mars and come right back home. he's right, ray. we've got a real shot. chief, could i have a word? i've no longer got the right crew. bjornstrom is a geologist. he's good, but not for this. my people just lost eight months of training. this is a different mission, with a different objective. but when you are, it ought to be given the best chance for success. i want mcconnell to fly right seat. yeah. because you washed him out. ray, he's the best pilot i ever saw, and you've got him benched at a desk. maggie was his wife. he didn't want to lie on a couch and share her with strangers. his wife wasted away in front of his eyes. what was he supposed to do? suck it up? get with the program? what was his crime? that he was upset? that he cried? when maggie died, yeah, it knocked the shit out of him. it knocked the hell out of all of us. but you know and i know that he's still the best we've got. he and maggie wrote the book on mars. he's got more hours in the sims than the rest of us put together. ray, we can do this. give me mcconnell as co-pilot, and we will bring luke home. and that's a promise. take a look. what do you make of that? headed for chryse planitia. we'll have to be ready to move fast. maybe even advance our eta. those things can cover the whole planet, and last up to a year. tomorrow morning, about 0600. that's when we find out whether we came all this way for nothing. zero-g. my last chance to be graceful. once we're in mars gravity, it's back to shuffling my feet and grabbing her butt. looks deserted. check the radiation levels. go to the disaster site. go to infrared. then what the hell was it? maggie was always starstruck. after that, nasa training was tough. all jim could think about was exploring a heavenly body. more ribald laughter, as mission accomplished! stands in the doorway of his cubicle. their eyes meet. they both smile, turning back to the video. remembering. let's hear it for the newly-announced captain and co-captain of mars one. to jim and maggie! you okay? you know what? she may have been right. if that wasn't a quake down there, then something else caused it. or planned it. you're thinking the same thing. jesus. you realize what this means? yeah, and we're not leaving until we find out. deal? maggie was the best of us. okay, people let's look sharp. if we overshoot, there's no coming back. charge primary apu. select hpu fuel cells for run. charge flow. reset pw. micrometeoroids kill those alarms! computer, how long until zero atmosphere? everybody switch to suit oxygen. we beat this in the simulator, we can do it here. jim, you've got the ship. i'm going eva. c'mon, people, let's go! let's work the problem! jim, how we doin' on the ag? get some light on the hole so i can locate it. i'm topside, jim, do you know which sector? jesus, uh, ok, this is gonna be like searching for a needle in a haystack. c'mon, c'mon, where are you? copy, i' heading there now. sonofabitch. you never did that in the simulator. whoa. jim, there's a lot of scarring. i'd better check for other punctures while i'm out here. copy, i'm heading there now. stares down at mars, enthralled, as sunlight floods the side of the spaceship, sparkles off his visor. dawn, after a very long night indeed. he whispers lovingly, under his breath. hey, beautiful. know what? you've got enough left. well. easier than the cha-cha. ok, we're ready to light this candle. go. no go for braking burn and moi. engines? systems. nav. we are go for the burn. i'm fueling the engines. jim? what the -- engines negative! no response! i've got no attitude control! negative! the cm doesn't have enough thrust to correct this rotation! how much time've we got? jim, we're dead stick, there's no way to maneuver this ship into a link-up! prepare to abandon ship. on my mark, seven percent left thruster. three, two, one, fire. okay. let's go. i'm at fifty percent. but i don't see the remo. jesus. she's not where i thought she'd be. looks again at his display screen, frustrated. we can't catch it. not like this. it'll be better if i leave you the gun while i run out to the remo. i've got enough fuel left for that. i'll aim to overshoot, then brake like hell; arc it in. seeya in a few. okay. i'm on path to overshoot. i'm gonna take the edge off. i'm out. coming in hot. still long. abandoning the unit. i'll brake with suit jets. suit jets gone. but i'm gonna make contact. impact's gonna be a little rough. thirty-two. no! you slow me and i'll fall short. no choice. i'll be okay. here we go. tries to hold onto the tether line but his momentum is too much. slides over the hull of the remo. is past the remo, freefalling toward mars. tries his suit jets again -- they're empty. uh, well, no suit jets and i'm still carrying a good deal of velocity. uh, i'd have to say negative on that, jim. no, i heard you. negative on the maneuver. i am not retrievable. it comes down to the amount of fuel, honey. the suit jets were designed for attitude control, not travel. retrieval just won't work. hey, believe me, i don't like it any more than you do. run the numbers, jim. sounds good, jim. you listen to jim, honey. it's a good plan. is looking back at the remo. smiles with relief to see that terri has reached it safely. will do, jim. hey, beautiful. looks back at the remo, as he continues to fall towards mars. sees the small figure of his wife heading towards him. terri, what are you doing? terri -- no. i wouldn't come for you. not if it just wasn't possible. no, terri, you can't! you don't have enough fuel to get me, stop us both, and get us back. hell, you come any farther and you won't have enough to get back yourself. listen to me, goddammit! you have to stop! you have to stop now! okay, honey? you gotta go back now. watches as it comes shooting down toward him. looks at the drifting hook, ten agonizing meters away from him. his only life preserver. what are you doing? terri, you spend any fuel getting closer, you won't get back, and if anyone tries to get you, they'll die too. honey, please go back. go back and help everyone get down to the surface. i can't let you do it. i can't. i'm sorry. raises his hands to his helmet ring. his eyes shining. i love you, terri. god how i love you.