haw! i like a monkey with vision! wait a minute. stu miley, right? boys and girls . mr. stu miley, in the house! uh huh. and? kid - didn't they tell you about this party? it's a special kind of party. a farewell party. do you. get what i'm saying? y'see, stu, as i understand it, you made this pact with your sister. no life support? actually, stu, julie doesn't get to decide. that's why she was having the nightmare. stu, i like you personally, i admire your work, but i'm just the god of sleep. this is death's bailiwick. me? me, go crawling to death? my friend, it will be a cold, cold day in las vegas, nevada, before i go crawling to that piece of - now death is not what you would call a people person, like me. death is a putz - and i should know. i'm his little brother. oh yeah. mr. by-the-book, stick-up-the-ass, my- way-or-the-highway death. believe me - over the course of eternity, you get pretty damned tired of that schtick. thank you. i decorated it myself. oh, right. cheating death. there's one thing you might try. only one guy in history ever pulled it off. well, actually two. actually, no, there was that other guy who. well, very few people have done it. you've seen those e-tickets, right? well, what you gotta do. is go into the land of death. and steal an e-ticket right out from under death's nose. kid, listen: that's all i'm saying. and you didn't hear it from me. you've heard of a fate worse than death? that's what's waiting for you if you screw up. sorry, stu. it's all part of the deal. we've got big plans for that body of yours! enough, enough, i'm hung over. sorry, steve, maybe next time. and how's our new guest settling in - ? easy, pal! i was coming to congratulate you. it ain't easy snatching one of those e-tickets. steve here was the last guy to pull it off, and that musta been, what, 25 years ago? it's simple, stu. we need nightmares - lots of 'em. so whenever we can swing it, we send a guy up to stimulate the flow. a nightmare maker! like steve here. poe. rasputin. we've been doing this all the way back to atilla and genghis khan! the monkey, of course. it was his idea. nobody wants to be a sidekick, stu. so one day he comes to us - he's got a proposition. we help him get your body. in return he gives us all the nightmares we want. oh, no, no, no. y'see, stu, as it happens, that girlfriend of yours figured out the chemical basis of bad dreams. and she just whipped up a big old batch of nightmare juice! oh, we're predicting a record box-office. it's like i always say. nightmares are your best entertainment! you two-bit simian stooge. what the hell is this? we didn't send you up here to shake your booty and chase broads. we sent you up to make nightmares!! now find that nightmare juice and get to work. 'cause you may be a free man during the day. but when you dream, your monkey ass is mine! dog dreams!! that stinkin' monkey. i can't believe it. we give him a body, and he sends us . dogs. not again. that stinking monkey!!! death! so nice to see you. i can explain -