you want to leave? but stu - you're a big hit! everyone loves you! it was you who got the standing o. it was you drawing on the belly over there. can't you give it to me later? who? stu - stop it. that monkey is good luck. you thought him up, and everybody loves him, and he's probably going to make you rich. so relax! enjoy it! what's the "bad" part? i don't think so. i'm fine, baby. we're all okay. we were lucky. dad's car? stu!! stu? i'm here, baby. it's me. it's julie. i love you. you're gonna be okay, baby, i promise - i'm here, baby. i won't leave you. i'm a doctor too. i know this man's brain - oh, poor buster. he hasn't been fed in a day and a half. let me get some food. i don't know. i guess it was. stu. that was right about the time we met. yeah. before your time. he hadn't gotten a good night's sleep in years. the nightmares would wake him up, and he'd start right in painting. switch hands. i'm serious. it was bicameral disjunction - right brain and left brain out of balance. he was a rightie, so i made him switch the pencil to his left hand. just to see what'd come out. left-handed, he was funny. he'd been doing all this scary, intense work. then he found out he could draw this stuff, and make me laugh, and he liked that. and then the nightmares just. stopped. i've put a ton of work into that boy, alice. i am not going to let him get away from me. kimmy? when'd you get in? i'm fine, kimmy. fine. the ring. kimmy, he doesn't know what's going on. he doesn't even know he's in a - it's too soon even to - talk about that! i think we can go another day without shaving. long as you don't look like you're growing one of those stupid little goatees. hey, there's an article about the monkeybone show. they've run that one episode about eight times now. herb says it gets higher ratings every time. they're hoping you'll give 'em some new material soon. wanna hear another joke? okay. let me see. here we go. a plane full of explorers crashlands in new guinea; they are captured by a cannibal tribe and taken to the chief's hut, where. wait a minute. i know this one. okay. let's try again. why did the pervert cross the road? kimmy! what's the matter? no. no. stu! stu? stu? stu!!!! six hours. that's when they pull the plug. that's how long we've got to wake him up. they show incredibly intense nightmare activity. the chart below is his new chart. he's stuck in a loop - a nightmare loop. anybody here know what oneirix is? no. i want to give him more. i want to give him a massive dose. i don't want to stop the nightmare, hutch. i want to crank it up. i want to take it right off the charts. i want to scare him awake. all right! we have a plan. let's move! what'll it do if they pull the plug? what's the maximum safe dose? five cc's. stu? thank you. thank you for coming back to me. welcome home. oh, baby, i can't believe you're back. baby? why don't you just. rest on the sofa for a minute. i'll be right back. here's to a bottle. we should have opened. three months ago. stu, are you. feeling okay? you're acting kind of. odd. buster! look who's here! what are you watching? you sure this is. medically advisable? well. as long as it's okay with monkeybone - oh, god!! baby! are you - it was great, baby. let's get you to the er. i'm heading in to work, baby. are you sure you'll be okay? they only made the one episode. they've shown it about nineteen times. i had to park two blocks away. is something - herb. what in god's name - what's this about merchandising? you always hated merchandising! stu? is that you? where did you go? baby, don't lie. i know you went out. you're wearing a topcoat, stu. - where are your pants? the thing is, i'm responsible for the way he's acting. it's the nightmare juice. it's got to be. i can't explain this, alice, but i'm not so sure it did. it's as if. he's not stu any more. the stu i love is gone! actually, no, i don't think i'm overreacting. "4. 17: subject, when unaware of observation, prefers to hold eating utensils. with feet. successfully carves turkey roll holding eating utensils. with feet." "4. 18: subject climbs backyard tree. to perform elimination. when confronted with product. blames it on family dog." hello? oh, hutch - what? kool-aid!? but who'd would want to - okay. call the police. i'll be right over. the technical name is oneirix. it's an enzyme. it's present in the brains of - yeah. i remember it vividly. whatever he's done, i'm responsible for it. tell them what? i don't know anything concrete. all i have is a feeling. that. that's herb! it looks so. new. but the heirloom ring. your grandmother's ring. he called me "doc." please. where did you take that man? who are you? why did you say those things? buster?!? stu. how? what's wrong? stop this. now. those dolls have been tampered with. they're toxic! stu!! i don't know what happened. all i know is. he was in a coma. and then he came back. and now he's gone again. is it you? is it really you this time? oh, stu. tell me i'm not dreaming. what's the matter?