oh, julie. my poor stu. my poor baby brother. an hour ago. i tried to prepare myself, but i didn't know he would be like, like this. i can't even bear to look at him. how about you? you're okay? i had so much i always wanted to say to him. at least he had a chance to give you the ring. grandmama's ring. the engagement ring. he asked me to send it to him - can you give us a realistic sense of my brother's chances? but these. machines are what's keeping him alive, is that right? can you give me a realistic idea. of how long this is going to last? honey, i have to clarify this. the thing is, dr. edelstein, my brother has an absolute horror of doctors - hospitals - needles - all of it - please, julie. this is not easy for me. our father took a long time to die. a long time. it just about killed us all. and stu and i made a pact that when our time came - we wouldn't let it drag out. give me a date, doctor. i want him to have every chance, doctor. we can certainly give it. three months. this is hard for me, julie. very hard. but it's been three months now, and. i gave the order. i just couldn't stand the thought of you suffering. i love you so, i would never have. forgive me, stu. please forgive me.