i don't actually draw all the animation, no. we have sweatshop workers who couldn't get jobs at nike doing that. guide? i - i have to, uh, check in with my doctor. do- occcc!! hey, doc. come here. there's something really cool i want to show you. see these doors? the cool thing is, you go out . they close. you can't get back in! they don't love me. they love monkeybone. that was especially monkeybone. come on, doc, i don't want to be stuck here with this bunch of media creeps. i just want to be us. home. alone! i have something i have to give you. yeah, i could, but the thing is, if later got here sooner, it would be. better. julie and i - we were just gonna go. burger god. the ones that found the pig hair in the french fries? herb, it's too much. it's all out of hand. i don't want to be rich. it's just a trap! herb. i have to go. i got the ring. tonight's the night, herb. tonight's the night. my life was totally crappy, herb, and she. fixed it. she made me happy. which i'd never been. she loves me the way i am - right now. look at this! he won't let us leave! the monkey!! he's everywhere! he'll take over both our lives if we let him. i'm trying. it's weird, that's all. i never had any good luck, until i met you. what if it's all just another bad dream? i might wake up. i am happy. it just so happens this is the happiest night of my life. that damn monkey is everywh-- did we just - hit something? are you okay?? hey! are you guys all right in there? that stupid monkey banner! it fell on my windshield - it practically killed us all! god, julie, if anything had happened to you - i'd better go report this. operator? i want to report an accident. hello? anybody? - am i dead? help me. please. there's animals. they - chasing me - animals - horrible - uhh - martini? olive. - where exactly am i? stu miley. jeez, it all looks like bad late-night cable. i didn't say anything. i was, uh, just getting ready to leave. three months, bull. three months tonight. three months since the accident - and i'm no closer to going home than i was then. i'm sick of martinis. i'm sick of the waiting, and the carnival rides, and watching people's nightmares. and of course, i need not add - you have humiliated me in public for the last then you can learn to act normally. i had to! i am not. and i don't gotta. sorry. the women here aren't my type. most of them aren't even my species. nothing for him! he's being repressed. i've been trying to get through to the head guy - the nightmare god - what's his name? yeah. to see if he could expedite my case. but i wait, and i wait, and. i'm starting to think i'll never see her again. i shoulda proposed, kitty. that way at least she'd know how i feel. that way she'd. wait for me. i'm not so special. i'm just - kind of - that does it! back in the pack! what union? sorry, kitty! i'll be right back after i choke my monkey. no. no. not him. he's ninety. he's practically dead already. how come he goes back and i stay here? hey!! hey, you!! he got an e-ticket. where's mine? when do i get i've been stuck down here for months. somebody had better start paying attention, or i'm gonna - i'm gonna kick ass! that's right. run! and don't come back unless you've got my e-ticket!! who am i kidding? i'm never gonna get out of here. i'll never see her again. hypnos! the god of nightmares! do you know what this means, monkeybone? he's finally going to hear my case. i'm going home! like you'd know. you started out on the back of a napkin, you little. doodle. say, have you seen mr. hypnos? wow. live feed, huh? sorry. that - that's me. what is this? who's dreaming this?? julie?? julie!! julie! i'm here, doc! don't let them pull the plug! i'm here!!! julie! i'm here! i love you! listen. please. it's my girlfriend. i've gotta get a message to her. how'd you get in there? mr. hypnos - sir - i needed to talk to you - mr. hypnos, i saw a dream. my girlfriend was having it. she dreamed they were pulling the plug on me. she was watching me die. well, i have to get a message to her. i have to let her know i'm okay. until i can get out of here. which is actually what i wanted to talk to you about. see, i've been here three months - tell me what? farewell? you mean - you mean i'm - i'm going home! i'm waking up! hey, everybody! i think i. i'm about to. am i mistaken, or don't i get to. is there some. well - yeah - but that doesn't. apply. it was different then. i was depressed. my life is great now. i'm in love! besides, julie wouldn't. she'd never. nine am! but that's - twelve hours. mr. hypnos, you run this place. i'm begging you. there's gotta be something i can do. maybe you could talk to death! you're death's brother? guys, i don't mean to be rude, but i only have eleven hours and fifty-three minutes to. hyp, i'll do anything. land of death. how do i get there? fine! don't put yourself out. i'll go to the land of death alone. i've got one chance to get back to julie, and i'm gonna take it - with or without you. no. goodbye. thanks for nothing. all right. you can come. now we just gotta figure out how to get there. he's taking her to the land of death, right? so all we've gotta do is. hitch a ride! stop shaking! i'll protect you. where'd he go?? what? you saved my life, monkeybone. i never would've made it without you. it's just. now that i'm leaving, i feel like there's lots of things i haven't said. who's gonna look out for you? are you gonna be okay when i'm gone? you've been a hell of a figment, pal. i sure wish i could take you home with me. don't joke around, little buddy. i mean it. i really do love y-- stop! monkeybone! please!! no! don't you understand?? he's got my e-ticket! no! julie! no-o-o-o! eeeeeepp!! oooie! that smarts!!! julie?. hey, you are a looker. who are y-- what do you want?? alfred hitchcock?? what is this stuff? stephen king? what are you doing in here? atilla the - ! what in hell is this place? you set me up!! why'd you do it? what'd i ever do to you?!? but why me? why'd you pick on me?? monkeybone!? you're nuts! i'm a comic strip artist! what's he gonna do - draw really scary cartoons?? how was it? i don't recall. i'm not like the rest of you. i'm just a regular guy! i'm not a "nightmare maker." but how? did you all have sidekicks? figments? . monkeys?? kitty?!? kitty. my situation is really not important. the thing is, my girlfriend is now living with, and possibly engaged to, a demented monkey. listen to me! is there any way i can warn her what monkeybone is up to?? i took the liberty of calling a little press conference. we're on tv, so don't say "shit." shit! i said it. shit! i said it again! so here's my idea. we do a giveaway at the zoo benefit. we get a big piata. we fill it with monkeybone dolls - hundreds of 'em. you can't do this! you'll get in trouble! how am i gonna get past the guards? thanks, kitty, i'll never forget you for th-- i'll really. never. forget you. you're mad at me. great. you have every right to be. but we're both mad at dark town. we're both mad at hypnos. i'm not going to tell you that. i wanted that e- ticket. i wanted it so bad i'd stare you right in the face to get it - and i'd do the same again. i have a girl up there. and i never - i should've - i just want to tell her i love her. death, i'm trying to make things right. take my soul. turn me into a paper doll. but give me just one lousy hour. coming from you, that's quite a compliment. bend over? death!! fine, thanks. saw my girl, said goodbye, everything's gonna be okay. i guess i'm yours now. hey. where's monkeybone? back? you're sending me back? death! thank you! baby. you're asking the wrong guy. My tail itches.