where am i?
i saw someone out there, gerty.
i saw a girl.
is there someone in the room with us?
who is he?
gerty, what the hell is going on? who is that guy in the rec room? where did he come from? why does he look like me?
yes, gerty, i'm out of bed. who is the guy in the rec room?
who the fuck is in the rec room, gerty!?
i don't understand what's happening, gerty. i think i may be losing my mind.
recovered alive? what do you mean? why haven't you reported to central?
you're sam bell.
this is fucked up.
why.  what are you?
how long have you been here?
how are you getting on?
they locked all the exits? what about the harvesters?
i'm not a clone.
you're the clone.
almost three years.
no, not really.
you look just like me. it's incredible.
we look like each other, i guess.
your serve.
two points to eighteen.
i don't remember doing all of it. i remember when i did the church and the salvation army. and a few of the people. my mind's been acting kind of weird lately, though.
uh-huh. you know fairfield? that's the baskin&robbins. and there's tess and eve. do you know tess?
you know about eve, right?
she's beautiful. she's really beautiful.
nine pounds, eleven ounces.
they're sending a rescue unit? why?
then i'm going back.
i've got a contract --
i'm going home!
i'm the original! i'm sam fucking bell! me! me!
that's ridiculous. impossible. why would hey do that?
secret room?
you're the one who's lost the plot! i've been here for three years. i know every inch of this base. i know how many dust fibres are between those wall panels over there -- why would they do that?!
tess would know.
tess would know what's going on! she wouldn't let that happen!
i told you.
you're not moving the model.
get off me!
who are you?
hi gerty.
we had a fight. me and the other guy, the other sam. we had a fight, gerty. he's a maniac. you know what he did? he flipped the entire model over. do you know how much work i've put into that thing?
938 hours, exactly. really? 938 hours.
he scares me, gerty.
he flies off the handle. i see it now. i see what tess was talking about. i've never told you this, gerty, but she left me. tess left me. for six months. she moved back in with her parents.
oh.  it was the year before i came in here. she gave me a second chance. i promised her i'd change.
yeah, i guess i have.
what about the messages she sent to me?
gerty, am i really a clone?
i remember.
and tess? eve?
no thanks, gerty.
you okay?
it's okay.
yes you do.
a live conversation?
that's not possible.
how do you know the conversation was live?
the communications equipment is damaged -- there was a solar storm --
tabitha, right.
how are they blocking the live feed? the base's communications equipment works fine --
from where then?
just passing the last of the harvesters -- looks like john --
if i maintain this speed. a minute. ninety seconds tops.
no, never.
you see anything yet?
there isn't shit out here. i feel like i'm about to drive off the end of the world. it would help if i knew what i was looking for.
don't know yet.
whoever built these things meant business. they weren't fucking around.
yeah, i hear you. i'm going to head back to base. i'm not feeling too good.
january 12th, lunar hour 8:32. all harvesters running smoothly today. readouts are as follows: matthew, 12.7 miles; mark 11.9 miles.
i found your secret room.
the cryo pod in the return vehicle is an incinerator.
we don't go home. we're burned to death up there. then the company wakes up a new one. every three years. like clock work.
i hacked into the old man. actually, gerty did. i saw footage. you're right, there have been other clones before us.
not now, gerty, okay?
there's something i've got to do.
come on. come on.
uh, bell residence?
i'm trying to reach tess bell.
no. no way.
hi.  hi. eve. how old are you now?
how did mom die, sweetheart?
want me to help?
he looked like barbara streisand. we used to hide his bible when he passed out. drove the guy nuts.
want me to show you?
watch what i'm doing. you watching?
now you try.
you'll get the hang of it. you see, that's a little better already.
i think i'm dying.
maybe we don't live that long. maybe we start to decompose or something.
no tranqs. i don't think i would ever wake up again.
that guy?
you're going to kill him?
what about us? eliza arrives, finds you and me as the welcome party --
how do you think she died?
i wish i'd been there.
we don't have to do anything. i changed my mind.
she's not! she's not.  my daughter. at least, i'm not her father. not to her.
i don't know. it's what we were designed to do.
you're a good guy, sam.
yeah. you should travel. i've always wanted to do that.
tess came in for the interview, remember?