yeah. completely. i'm a clone, sam. im a fucking clone. about a week. how am i getting on? the company ordered gerty to lock all the exits. i haven't been able to do anything for seven days but sit on my ass. slowed them down to half speed, apparently. ok, sam. you're not a clone. how long have you been here? hence the captain's beard. i didn't know it could get so thick. does it itch? what? why do i look like you? why don't you look like me? score? fuck! how long did it take you to do this? it's fairfield, right? there's town hall. yes. i know tess. we did? she thought she was going to have a boy. she was so sure. eve? how much did she weigh? isn't that what you're supposed to ask, how much did she weigh? to fix the stalled harvester. they didn't think i was up to it. is that what you really think? you're a fucking clone! you don't have shit! you're not going anywhere! what, you think tess is back home waiting for you? what about the original sam? what about the other clones? i bet there's some kind of secret room -- yeah, secret room, why not? look. it's a company, right? they have investors, shareholders -- shit like that. what's cheaper? spending time and money training new personnel or just have a couple of spares here to do the job. if they make it through their contract, great. if they don't, hallelujah! no contract completion fees, no retirement package. just thaw out the spare, and keep the profits rolling in. it's the far side of the moon, sam! the tight fuck's haven't even fixed our communications satellite. do you really think they give a shit about us? they're laughing all the way to the bank! there's some area we don't know about. i'm going to find it. shut-up! i want to check underneath there. get the fuck out of my way! you okay? i'm staring into space. get it? listen, i went haywire before. i lost it. i'm sorry. no it's not okay. i fucked up fairfield -- your model -- that's unacceptable. i don't know what's wrong with me. i've got a temper. i need to do something about it. i've been thinking. that rescue unit -- eliza -- they'll be here in less than fourteen hours. i don't know about you but i'd like to figure out where we stand before they get here. ostensibly they're coming to deal with the stalled harvester. we both know that isn't true. they're coming to dig your body out of that rover. they think you're in there. what'll their reaction be when they find out you survived the crash? i wasn't supposed to find you. lunar instructed gerty to lock me inside the base for christ's sake. yeah. no no no, it is possible. it's possible because i saw it, that's my point. it was a back and forth exchange. and i saw thompson and overmeyers up on the monitor. i was supposed to be asleep in the infirmary. the moment i walked into the comms room gerty terminated the transmission. now i was a little drugged up, granted, but i didn't imagine it. tabitha. lunar made it up. maybe. i don't know. bottom line is they don't want us to be able to contact earth. otherwise why would they have lied to us? maybe they're not blocking the signal from inside the base. how long until you're out of the base's range? you ever been this far out? nothing. you? what is it? antenna? really? hang on, looks like there's one on this side too. its not an antennae, dude. its a jammer. no wonder we can't get a live feed. these things must be blocking our signal. i'll stay out here a little longer. i want to see if there are any more of these things. i saw three more of those jammers. the base is surrounded. i printed out their coordinates -- who goes first? is there a light? what? how do you know all this? how many? if that rescue unit finds the two of us awake at the same time, they'll kill us both for sure. what's going on? barbara streisand? how do you carve these things? you're shaking. yeah. i suck. what's happening to you? what do you think it is? jesus. no you didn't. gerty, i need to talk to you. we found the hidden room. we know about the other clones. the hidden room under the return vehicle, gerty. you know what i'm talking about. we found it on our own. lunar doesn't know anything about it. ordinarily, gerty, but what with there being two of us awake at the same time, and what with the situation being unprecedented, the rules have had to change. do you understand? good. gerty, how long does it take for a clone to wake up? gerty, we need to wake up a new clone. if we don't wake up another clone me and the other sam will die. we'll die, gerty. do you understand? do you want me and the other sam to die? then you have to wake up a new clone. okay, pal? don't touch him. come to the rec room. when the rescue unit arrives they'll expect to find a body in the crashed rover, right? we've got our body. i know. someone's got to pull the short straw here, better someone who's unconscious than you or me. they're not going to find you and me as the welcome party, they're going to find me. you're going to blast back to earth before they get here in one of the helium 3 containers. you're going home. i don't know. jane died of cancer. i mean, it was in the family. who knows? or maybe it was an accident? could have been a million things. yeah. me too. go for it. but you fit. that's good. you fit. sam bell reporting to central. 19:14 pacific time. lunar day 14. evening overmeyers, evening thompson! according to the old man rescue unit eliza will be here in just over three hours. not a moment too soon! i never thought i'd say this, but i want to get out there, i want to work. i feel like a kid who's been grounded. looking forward to eliza straightening everything out and things getting back to normal around here. well. that's it. i'll let you know how it goes. over and out, gentlemen. we need to do it. we need to do it now. he'll be conscious any minute. we've been putting it off for long enough. what are you talking about? she's your daughter, man! she's not going to care what you. this is wrong. what are we supposed to do? sit around here and wait to die? fuck that! screw that! i'll go! . and i'm going to find this asshole, sam bell, and ask him why the hell he put us through this shit! i might stop shaving; it suits us. if all our memories are implants, no disrespect, but i think its about time i got some of my own, as well. i'd like that. she was going back to san francisco. how long before he's conscious, gerty? that's good. that's very good. he's gone home, gerty. what? why not? so that's what we're going to have to do. are you ok with that? sure, just let me finish this. i've set your computer to reboot the second i've blasted off. thanks for all your help, gerty. i wish i could say i was going to miss you, buddy, but to be honest, i can't wait to get away from here. thanks. are you sure you're going to be ok? gerty, i'm not programmed. fuck!