what d'you know about coffee? gimme a loaf of bread.
if you're an artistic genius, how come you got butter on your tie?
give it here. i'll give you this, al, you make good coffee.
the man who sends those spends a lot of money on something that ends up in the garbage can.
without me, you'd be out of business. i like flowers.
you don't want the fish.
it's the oily fish tonight. not before the plane ride.
give him the manicotta, bobo. me, too.
that will give you a base. for your stomach. you eat that oily fish, you go up in the air, halfway to sicily you'll be green and your hands will be sweating.
she was too young for him.
fine, bobo. we'll take the check.
you never have dessert.
what's the matter?
i shouldn't.
bobo, take the cart away.
are you proposing marriage to me?
you know i was married and that my husband died. but what you don't know is i think he and i had bad luck.
we got married at the city hall and i think it gave bad luck the whole marriage.
right from the start we didn't do it right. could you kneel down?
yes, on the floor.
i helped you buy it. it came with two pairs of pants. it's for luck, johnny. when you propose marriage to a woman, you should kneel down.
where's the ring?
you could use your pinky ring.
you propose to a woman you should offer her a ring of engagement.
yes, johnny. yes, john anthony cammareri. i will marry you. i will be your wife.
what time is it?
so we'll pick up the car, we'll make the plane in plenty of time.
what about the wedding?
how near is she to death?
then let's set the date.
how about a month from today?
where? at the city hall? no! i want the whole wedding or we will have bad luck. for a whole wedding to be planned, a date must be set.
a month from today?
i'll take care of it, johnny. i'll take care of the whole thing. all you have to do is show up.
call me when you get in.
you've made me very happy, johnny.
who is he?
you have a brother?
yeah. my fianc.
i don't believe in curses.
right. the key's in it.
a split of moet.
you, too.
hello, boys and girls. guess what happened to me?
where's ma?
you're not sleepy?
pop, i got news.
here. ti amo.
you look tired.
i'm getting married.
the guy died.
he got hit by a bus.
johnny cammareri.
he's flying to sicily. his mother's dying.
in a month.
you've got to come. you've got to give me away.
and maybe that's why i had the bad luck. maybe if you gave me away, and i got married in a church, in a wedding dress, instead of at the city hall with strangers standing outside the door, maybe then i wouldn't had the bad luck i had.
i didn't have no wedding cake, no reception or nothing. johnny got down on his knees and proposed to me at the grand ticino.
it's temporary.
so you'll come to the wedding, right?
oh yeah. he's a sweet man. i wanna have a big church wedding, ma. and a reception.
father of the bride pays.
it's his duty as a father to pay for my wedding, ma .
pop don't like johnny.
i got married before, you didn't sell.
i'm thirty-seven years old.
johnny has a big apartment. we'll live there.
i'd like to stay, ma. i love the house. but pop don't like johnny.
hello? yea, this is loretta castorini - yeah. is that you johnny?
how was your plane ride?
have you told her we're getting married?
alright. i'll call him. today. listen, johnny. call me after you tell your mother. alright? alright. and don't stand directly under the sun. you've got your hat, use your hat. alright. bye-bye.
she's dying. but i could still hear her big mouth.
not yet. that old lady makes him sweat. where's that card?
is ronny there?
i'm calling for your brother johnny. he's getting married and he wants you to come.
he's in palermo.
let me come and talk to you.
is ronny cammareri here?
i would like to speak to him.
i'm going to marry him.
yes. do you want.
excuse me.
i don't understand.
i didn't come here to upset you.
maybe i should come back another time.
that's the bad blood between you and johnny?
but that wasn't johnny's fault.
where you live?
come on.
you ready for the coffee?
i'm making you a steak.
i know that. i do what i want.
you'll eat this bloody to feed your blood.
he knew my husband who died.
bus hit him.
why what?
so. five years ago your hand got cut off and your woman left you for another man. no woman since then?
seven years ago.
just johnny.
no. unlucky. i have not been lucky.
what? do you think you're the only one ever shed a tear?
you got any whiskey? how 'bout giving me a glass of whiskey?
you think so?
you really are stupid, you know that.
i was raised that a girl gets married young. i didn't get married until i was twenty-eight. i met a man. i loved him. i married him. he wanted to have a baby right away. i said no. then he got hit by a bus. no man. no baby. no nothing! i did not know that man was a gift i could not keep. i didn't know.  you tell me a story and you think you know what it means, but i see what the true story is, and you can't. she didn't leave you! you can't see what you are. i can see everything. you are a wolf!
the big part of you has no words and it's-a wolf. this woman was a trap for you. she caught you and you could not get away. so you chewed off your foot! that was the price you had to pay to be free. johnny had nothing to do with it. you did what you had to do, between you and you, and i know i'm right, i don't care what you say. and now you're afraid because you found out the big part of you is a wolf that has the courage to bite off its own hand to save itself from the trap of the wrong love. that's why there has been no woman since that wrong woman. you are scared to death what the wolf will do if you make that mistake again!
i'm telling you your life!
because i have no luck!
i am looking where i should to become a bride!
a wolf without a foot!
wait a minute! wait a minute!
i have no luck!
where are you taking me?
oh. oh god. i don't care about anything. i don't care about anything! take me to the bed.
me neither.
i was dead, too.
all my life i have never reached a man. i knew that i would reach my husband, but i took my time and he was dead. ronny.
i want to cut you open and crawl inside of you. i want you to swallow me.
get all of me. take everything.
you're mad at him, take it out on me, take your revenge on me! take everything, leave nothing for him to marry! hollow me out so there's nothing left but the skin over my bones. suck me dry!
what's that?
that light.
i've never seen a moon like that.
oh my god.
what? what have we done?
this time i was trying to do everything right.
i thought if i stayed away from the city hall, i won't have that bad luck i had again.
i'm marrying your brother!
you're invited to the wedding! it's in a few weeks. why didn't you do like him and be with your dying mother in palermo?
you don't get along with anybody!
what did i do?
that's impossible! it was ruint when i got here! you ruint my life!
oh yes, oh yes you did! you've got those bad eyes like a gypsy! why didn't i see it yesterday! bad luck! is that all i'm ever gonna have? why didn't i just pick up a stone and kill myself years and years ago? i'm gonna marry him!
last night never happened, you hear me? i'm gonna marry him anyway and last night never happened, and you and i are gonna take this to our coffins!
why not?
snap out of it!
alright. then i must never see you again. the bad blood will have to stay there between you and johnny for all time. you won't come to the wedding.
i'm telling you you can't.
but that's cause he don't know!
what are you talking about?
alright. where's the met?
bless me, father, for i have sinned. it's been two months since my last confession.
twice i took the name of god in vain, once i slept with the brother of my fianc, and once i bounced a check at the liquor store -- but that was really an accident.
i.  a.  slept with my fianc's brother.
i know.
i know.
i don't wanna talk about it.
thanks. what's the matter with you?
what! how do you know?
then you don't know. you're just imagining it. he's too old.
i won't be home for dinner.
what's the matter with him?
what about the moon?
listen, i gotta go. i'll take the deposit to the bank but i'll do the books tomorrow. i gotta go.
i got things to do.
i got a lot on my mind, aunt rita.
bye, aunt rita.
yeah, i'll be in.
i want you to get rid of the grey.
ma! grandpa! no? okay.
i thought i'd try it. you look good.
i said i'd go to the opera with you. nothing else.
who painted that?
kinda gaudy.
for what?
so. where are we sitting?
they get some turnout for this stuff.
i like parts of it, but i don't really get it.
that was just so.  awful!
beautiful. sad. she died!
i couldn't believe it! i didn't think she was going to die. i knew she was sick.
i know. she was coughing her brains out. and still, she had to sing all the time.
pop? what are you doing here?
i got it done.
what are you doing here?
you're married.
you're my father.
i don't know whether i saw you or not.
that wasn't my mother.
no thanks.
i wanna go home.
it's really cold.
my mother guessed that my father was seeing somebody and i told her she was crazy. she looked like a real piece of cheap goods. but who am i to talk?
how can you ask me that?
you are guilty. i'm guilty.
i know what i know.
he didn't come!
you're late!
this is your place.
this is where we're going!
the deal was if i came to the opera with you you'd leave me alone forever.
i went with you. now i'm gonna marry johnny and you're gonna leave me alone. right? a person can see where they've messed up in their life, and they can change how they do things, and they can change their luck. maybe my nature does draw me to you, but i don't haveta go with that. i can take hold of myself and say yes to some things and no to something that's just gonna ruin everything! i can do that. otherwise, what is this stupid life that god gave us for what? ronny? are you listening to me?
i'm really afraid.
i'm afraid of who i am.
and you're not now?
why not?
let me go home.
let me go home.
i'm freezing to death.
well. i don't really know where to start.
everything's different.
no. are you drunk?
where's pop?
what? he's in sicily!
he's with his dying mother!
what!! she was dying!
a miracle? this is modern times! there ain't supposed to be miracles any more!
he's coming.
you've gotta get outta here.
ronny, please.
it's johnny. i'll get it.
no, i'll tell him. what am i going to tell him?
i love you pop.
hi. why ain't you at the store?
you? no.
the bank. oh my god, i forgot to make the deposit!
i'm getting palpitations!
i don't know. but johnny, how did your mother recover? she was dying.
i can't. i need my family around me now.
johnny, i have something to tell you.
i have no secrets from my family.
what the hell are you talking about? we're engaged.
i'm talking about a promise. you proposed to me!
and you're a big liar! i've got your ring here!
here! take your stupid pinky ring. who needs it? the engagement's off.
in time, you will drop dead, and i will come to your funeral in a red dress.
where's the ring?
before all these people, yes, i will marry you, ronny cammareri!
yeah, ma, i love him awful.
wait a minute! wait a minute!