hello, bobo. how are you tonight? we will both have the salad ticino. and i'll have the special fish. no? maybe you're right. you look after me. a man who can't control his woman is funny. no, i want to see the dessert cart. never is a long time. my scalp is not getting enough blood sometimes. have something. will you marry me? will you marry me? yes? what do you mean? i don't understand. on the floor? this is a good suit. alright. the ring? i like this ring. loretta. loretta castorini clark. on my knees. in front of all these people. will you marry me? bobo! the check! seven-thirty. my mother will be happy i'm getting married. i forgot to wave. we'll have it at the wedding. my mother is dying. when she is dead, i'll come back and we'll be married. a week. two weeks. no more. must it be so definite? can't we just say that we will be married when i get back? alright. a month. in a month. yeah. i'll call you when i get to mama's house. there's one thing about this wedding i want you to do. call this number. it's a business number. ask for ronny. invite him to the wedding. he's my younger brother. we haven't spoken in five years. there was some bad blood. i want you to call him and invite him to the wedding. will you do it? i've got to go. ssh, it's me. i'm calling from the deathbed of my mother. the waitresses were very nice. my mother is slipping away. i can't talk long. not yet. i'm waiting till a moment when she's peaceful. have you called my brother? will you do it today? call him, make him come to the wedding. five years is too long for bad blood between brothers. nothing can replace your family. i see that now. 19 cranberry street. hello. i'm sorry to call so late. i came right from the airport. can you wake up loretta? i need to talk to her. thank you. where is she? it's late. maybe i should go? that's what i came to tell loretta. there's been a miracle. my mother's recovered. the breath had almost totally left her body. she was as white as snow. and then she completely pulled back from death and stood up and put on her clothes and began to cook for everyone in the house. the mourners. and me. and herself! she ate a meal that would choke a pig! yes. who was that? well. there's the bible story. god took a rib from adam and made eve. maybe men chase women to get the rib back. when god took the rib, he left a hole there, place where there used to be something. and the women have that. maybe a man isn't complete as a man without a woman. i don't know. maybe because he fears death. i don't know. hello, mr. castorini. i have my eyes open. i don't know what you mean. you haven't said anything. i'm going. you don't know where loretta is? then tell her i'll come by in the morning. we need to talk. loretta. ronny! our mother has recovered from death! have you come to make peace with me? of course i want to. we should talk alone. well. i told my mother that we were to be married. and she got well. right away. it was a miracle! i have something to tell you. but i must talk to you alone. loretta, i can't marry you. if i marry you my mother will die. because my mother was dying! but now she's not. and you are a son who doesn't love his mother! i must ask for that back. in time, you will see that this is the best thing. what? i don't want it. to family.