yeah, this is ronny. why didn't he call himself? what's wrong can never be made right. what! have you come from my brother? why? you are going to marry my brother? i have no life. i have no life. my brother johnny took my life from me. and now he's getting married. he has his, he's getting his. and he wants me to come? what is life? they say bread is life. so i bake bread, bread, bread. and the years go by! by! by! and i sweat and shovel this stinking dough in and outta this hot hole in the wall and i should be so happy, huh, sweetheart? you want me to come to the wedding of my brother johnny?!! where is my wedding? chrissy! over by the wall! gimme the big knife! gimme the big knife! i'm gonna cut my throat! no, i want you to see this! i want you to watch me kill myself so you can tell my brother on his wedding day! chrissy, gimme the big knife! do you know about me? nothing is anybody's fault, but things happen. look. it's wood. it's fake. five years ago i was engaged to be married. johnny came in here, he ordered bread from me. i put it in the slicer and i talked with him and my hand got caught cause i wasn't paying attention. the slicer chewed off my hand. it's funny 'cause - when my fianc saw that i was maimed, she left me for another man. that's it. i don't care! i ain't no freakin monument to justice! i lost my hand, i lost my bride! johnny has his hand, johnny has his bride! you come in here and you want me to put away my heartbreak and forget? is it just a matter of time till a man opens his eyes and gives up his one dream of happiness? maybe. maybe. all i have. have you come here, stranger, bride of my brother, to take these last few loaves from my table? alright. alright. upstairs. loretta. what's that smell? you don't have to help me. i like it well done. this is good. uhh. where'd johnny find you? how'd he die? fast. when you get engaged? why? i don't know. no. when your husband get hit by the bus? how many men since then? stupid yourself. i don't care about luck, you understand me? it ain't that. why you talking to me? she was right to leave me. yes. you don't know nothing about it. i'm a wolf? what are you doing! stop it! why are you marrying johnny? he's a fool! he made me look the wrong way and i cut off my hand. he could make you look the wrong way and you could cut off your whole head! a bride without a head! it's like i'm falling! it's like i'm in the ocean! son of a bitch! to the bed. i can't believe what is happening. i was dead. your blood. loretta. i've got you. what about johnny? alright. alright. there will be nothing left. what? i don't know. i think it's the moon. it's so bright. it makes you look like an angel. yeah. looks like a big snowball. what? take it easy. don't just become excited. you're trying to make me feel guilty. all right, i'm guilty. i confess! she didn't like me. what did you do? you ruined my life. oh no i didn't! what? i can't do that! i'm in love with you! i can't! i'll come to the wedding. but he wants me to come! alright. i will not come. provided one thing. that you come with me tonight. once. to the opera. i love two things. i love you, and i love the opera. if i can have the two things that i love together for one night, i will be satisfied to give up the rest of my life. alright. meet me at the met. hi. you look beautiful. your hair. thank you. marc chagall. a russian. he was having some fun. yeah, well he's dead. come on, let's go in. thank you! i don't know. for your hair. for your beautiful dress. for. you know, i feel like a man again. you know i love the opera. you know it's been a long time since i've been to the opera. come on. here we go. it's the best thing there is. awful? yeah. she had tb. let's get outta here. i'll buy you a drink. loretta? i think that's it. what do you want to do now? yeah. it smells like snow. what's the matter? you're making me feel guilty again. of what? only god can point the finger, loretta. and what do you know? you tell me my life? i'll tell you yours. i'm a wolf? you run to the wolf in me, that don't make you no lamb! you're gonna marry my brother? why you wanna sell your life short? playing it safe is just about the most dangerous thing a woman like you could do. you waited for the right man the first time, why didn't you wait for the right man again? i'm here! we're here. that's right. yeah. yeah. why? i was. i don't know. everything seems like nothing now against that i want you in my bed. i don't care if i burn in hell. i don't care if you burn in hell. the past and future is a joke to me now. i see that they're nothing, i see they ain't here. the only thing that's here is you. and me. i want you to come upstairs. now. i tried to take everything last night, like you told me, but i couldn't. i couldn't take everything in a hundred years. it's the way we are. we compound each other. no. no. come upstairs. i don't care why you come. no, that's not what i mean. loretta, i love you. not like they told you love is and i didn't know this either. but love don't make things nice, it ruins everything, it breaks your heart, it makes things a mess. we're not here to make things perfect. snowflakes are perfect. the stars are perfect. not us. we are here to ruin ourselves and break our hearts and love the wrong people and die! the storybooks are bullshit. come upstairs with me, baby! don't try to live your life out to somebody else's idea of sweet happiness. don't try to live on milk and cookies when what you want is meat! red meat just like me! it's wolves run with wolves and nothing else! you're a wolf just like me! come upstairs with me and get in my bed! come on! come on! come on! is johnny here? good! we can get this out on the table. i'm ronny, johnny's brother. oh. good. we're not close. i'm not really moved. no. i'm gonna wait. yes, i would like some oatmeal. yeah. i'll get it. no, i'll tell him. i'm his brother. nice to meet you. johnny. good. well. yeah. you may not want to. i'm sure she did. loretta, what are you talking about? you're forty-two years old, johnny, and mama is still running your life. loretta? will you marry me. could i a. borrow that ring. thanks. will you marry me, loretta castorini clark?