who's dead? again? johnny cammareri. you're not gonna marry him, cosmo. do you love him, loretta? good. when you love them they drive you crazy cause they know they can. but you like him? and who's gonna pay for that? you're rich as roosevelt. you're just cheap, cosmo. he didn't used to be cheap. he thinks if he holds on to his money, he will never die. now he's gonna play that damn vicki carr record. and then when he comes to bed, he won't touch me. will you live here? why not? so we'll sell the house. grandma was still alive. chiro was still home going to school. now he's married and gone to florida. if you and johnny moved in, had a baby. what's thirty-seven? i had chiro after i was thirty-seven. it ain't over till it's over. and we'll sell the house. no. he don't. how's the mother? did he tell her? who are you calling? well, what do you wanna talk about! why you drinking so much? old man, if you give another piece of my food to those dogs, i'm gonna kick you till you're dead! cosmo? you drank too much and now you sleep too hard, and later you'll be up when you should be down. where you been? just like your father. i lied to him. he thinks you came home last night. cosmo's cheating on me. a wife knows. it's just me. i want to eat. fine. hello, bobo. yes. let me have a martini, no ice and two olives. not yet. i'll wave. i'm not disturbed. by you. she was just too young for you. none of your business. will you join me for dinner? what do you do? that woman was a student of yours? there's old saying my mother told me. would you like to hear it? don't shit where you eat. i'm a housewife. i'm not eating alone. can i ask you a question? why do men chase women? i think it's because they fear death. what you don't know about women is a lot. sure. yes. yes. no. no. i think the house is empty. i can't invite you in because i'm married and because i know who i am. you're shaking. you're a little boy and you like to be bad. i'm too old for you. good night. sure. good night. moving in? come on in. she's not home yet. take off your coat and come in the living room. i'll make you a drink. i wanna talk to you. so. out. i don't know where. i was waiting up for my husband. yes. what are you doing here? you're supposed to be in palermo. a miracle. well, that's news. you're kidding? that's incredible. hello pop. that was my father-in-law, who has a wrong idea in his head. listen, johnny, there's a question i want to ask you. and i want you to tell me the truth if you can. why do men chase women? but why would a man need more than one woman? that's it! that's the reason! no, that's really it. thank you for answering my question. where you been? cosmo? i just want you to know. no matter what you do. you are going to die, just like everybody else. you're welcome. he doesn't like you. thank you for answering my question. no idea. okay, i'll tell her. what the hell happened to you? your hair's different. are you drunk? no. but i have a hangover. upstairs. johnny cammareri showed up last night. no more he's not. she recovered. it was a miracle. i guess it ain't modern times in sicily. he came right from the airport. he wanted to talk to you. you got a love bite on your neck. he's coming back this morning. it's not johnny. nice to meet you. you've got a love bite on your neck. your mother's recovered from death. would anyone like some oatmeal? cosmo, this is ronny, johnny's brother. have i been a good wife? i want you to stop seeing her. and go to confession. your life is not built on nothing. ti amo. i'll get it. listen. who wants coffee? we're waiting for johnny cammareri. do you love him, loretta? oh god, that's too bad. ti amo.