"when you've got the whim, say 'wham!'". jim blandings wrote that slogan. seven magic words that shine like a beacon light for the american housewife! "when you've got the whim, say 'wham!'" jim blandings' contribution to the american scene. for fourteen years jim and muriel had been living in their apartment over on east seventy-fourth street. it was just another of those wonderful crisp september mornings and the blandings were still asleep. just like millions of other people in good old manhattan -- new york city -- well, that's the way it all started. the ad was enough to convince jim -- -- but muriel was a little tougher. i guess the corsage did it. there they are, two little fish from new york -- out in the deep deep waters of connecticut real estate. that's smith, the real estate salesman. mighty shrewd cookie in a quiet sort of way. never thought he'd get a bite this quick. now he's sizing up the catch. "mm. let's see. convertible -- orchids -- must be pretty well fixed. wonder if they're lookers or buyers?" they're buyers. yes, sir, smith, looks like you're finally going to unload the old hackett place. now first thing is get 'em a little anxious. th-a-a-t's right! uh-uh, not yet. take it easy, smith, give 'em a little more line. now we're ready to gaff 'em. and so they got their own experts. mr. simpson said -- on the other hand, mr. murphy said -- and then just to be a wee bit different, mr. jones said -- and that's how our friend, mr. simms, came into it. so-came thirty days -- and they moved. i mean -- we moved. that's the wrong road! any fool knows that! well, there she is, bright and shining -- and just about complete -- the residence of mr. and mrs. james h. blandings. not bad at that. all right! -- everybody out. guess you can't blame them for feeling just a little bit proud. look -- he wants to carry his wife across the threshold. romantic, isn't it? ooops! i guess i meant "corny." uh-uh. watch that sacroiliac. fifteen years since you've done this sort of thing. whew! nice work, tarzan. now, let's see if you can make it into the hall. that's right. go right in. don't pay any attention to the sign. don't mind me, buddy, i just got through varnishing that floor. whose bright idea was this? she just wanted everything to be nice and shiny on the day they moved in. stop painting that floor and put some planks down in here, or some thing! okay, mister, but take it easy. the republicans ain't in yet, you know. oh, fine! a house without windows! we'll just see about that! look out for those papers! and so the days sped by -- and the bills -- and the extras -- and as the house approached forty thousand dollars, jim approached his deadline for the new slogan. it was almost a photo finish.