good morning. but of course. you'll have to pardon my bursting in at this dreary hour -- -- practically the middle of the night -- -- but i did so want to catch you in. i've been at it hammer and tongs all week and i'm just a mess -- -- but then muriel and i thought we ought to talk it over with you before we take the plunge. after all, it's your home, too, and it should reflect you. you know, man's castle, all that sort of thing. oh, that's out! all out! changed the whole thing! i just couldn't live with it! i said to myself, "bunny, what are the blandings? how shall we do them?" and the answer was perfectly obvious. very american, very grass roots, very blueberry pie -- that sort of thing. now first, let's dig into this living room of yours, it's really a dreary. oh, come, mr. blandings, let's not run away from color. uh -- yes. now as i see our room, it's definitely colonial. you know, cobbler's bench, breakfront, pie cooler, student lamp, hooked rug. but everything in good taste. it must not jump out at you and scream: "look -- see how antique i am!" of course, these things take imagination. you've simply got to be able to visualize. well, really, i hesitate to say. after all -- -- by the time this wall is out we may find -- out. source of light is from the east. obviously if our room is to have any function at all -- visualize three feet of leaded panes, the rest -- well! costs aren't what they used to be, you know, and -- materials are impossible, labor has just run wild -- well!. i shouldn't like to be tied down. but i suppose if you must have a figure, i'd say -- mm -- -- somewhere in the neighborhood of seven. mm. mm. well, really, i -- well, really, i mean, i was under the impression we'd come to some decision today. we-ll!