if i might make a suggestion -- but that would be four bathrooms, mrs. blandings -- i think i'd better point out to you -- well, it's always possible, but at the moment our fundamental problem -- if you don't mind, i -- -- i'm afraid you've got the upstairs about twice as big as the downstairs. something will have to give somewhere, that i know. i wouldn't be too concerned about mrs. prutty and her committee. after all, it's your property and if you want to tear it down -- then he had to chop out the tops of the joists under the flower sink space to make room for a cradle. i guess he bought some iron straps and fastened them to a big pan to give him something to hold the cement. what with that added load on the weakened joists, i'll bet he had to put a lally column down there for support, too. and i guess the electrician had to rip out about sixty feet of armored cable between the main panel and the junction box by the oil burner, including the two hundred twenty volt cable that goes to the stove. 8: its fine broad streets and boulevards facilitate the new yorker's carefree, orderly existence. kindly, courteous public servants ever on hand to offer a word of friendly advice. a transportation system second to none in speed and comfort! modern recreational facilities for its children! for its adults, the peace and privacy of a day in the sun! it's delightful changes in climate! its great institutions of learning! open to all. free of charge. and below this in quotes: