yep? it's comin'. yep? oh -- 'bout a hundred and ninety feet. yep. up to you. hit some limestone yesterday. that's bad. and right now it looks like we're coming into some shale. that's good. 'course it might turn out to be sandstone. can't tell. might be good. might be bad. one thing you know -- you got plenty of shale, sandstone and limestone. oh, it's there, all right. just got to be patient. tsk, tsk, tsk. yep. yep. yep. we-ll, way it seems to me, mr. blandings, over here the water's down around six feet and over there it's -- uh -- well, mr. blandings, there's a matter of twelve dollars and eighty-six cents. you don't understand, mr. blandings. this twelve dollars and eighty-six cents -- you don't owe me, i owe you. found i overcharged you. almost three feet. better count it. i think it's all there. well, i guess i'd better be gettin' along. sure got a pretty place here. i'll tell mr. zucca about the dinner jacket. yep.