we've talked to our client and we've come up with a number that we feel is more than fair. we can have a check for that amount in your office by 6 o'clock. your client knew detective atwood was a homicide detective when he married her. we don't need to get into this, tracy. hi. i got you a latte. we got an injunction to quash the subpoena for your work records yesterday. they've already appealed. your father has a lot of political muscle. i understand. if you're willing to play the game and ride a desk for a year; i think we can settle for one two five, one five. then the only other option is money. tell me how high you are willing to go. i can try. if i were on the other side i'd hold out for more. give me a cap and that's how high we'll go. i'll call them today. are you working on the thumbprint killer this time? that one's creepy to me. the doors are locked, the alarms are armed and the people are dead. it makes you feel like you're not safe anywhere. i'm right over there. oh, tracy. i almost forgot, your husband says there's a picture of him holding some trophy that you still have. he claims it's his favorite picture and you put it up where you store your suitcases. i know it's petty, but you're going through a divorce. hi tracy, this is nancy tang. we received a counter offer. are you sitting down?