i'm sorry, daddy, please don't be angry with me. i dropped out of school. no. i wanted to speak to you first. i've thought a lot about this, dad. college is a waste of time for me. you didn't go to college, dad, and you're successful. i want to come and work for you. just listen to me. what would happen to the business if, god forbid, something happened to you? mom would probably have to sell to strangers. i'm willing to start at the bottom, you can treat me as a regular employee, i want to learn everything there is to know about running the box business, and then when the time comes, the business would stay in the family. what?! what would you do without?! i'll talk to mom, but i'm not going back to school. to save money i would move back home, but no rules, no curfew, i want to be treated like an adult. no, dad, you're a very wealthy man, you can afford to keep me. a friend is driving it across country, it'll be here next weekend. are you going to give me a job? i keep telling you it's not the reason. i'm pregnant. and it's not the reason i dropped out. being pregnant wouldn't stop me from going to school if i wanted to go. some guy i was seeing. yes, he's a married man and he doesn't want to have anything to do with me. i'm going to have an abortion anyway, so there is nothing to get upset about. i wasn't even going to tell you guys. daddy, you are not going to tell me what to do. it's my body and i will do what i want to do with it. would you really want to have a grandchild, even though i'm not married? if it means that much to you, i'll think about it. i hope so. i'm not feeling so well. i think i'd better. i'm sorry i didn't tell you about it, daddy. it was horrible but i really didn't know the guy that well. it happened at about the same time i found out i was pregnant, and it just went out of my mind. oh, hi, daddy, i thought you'd already be gone. oh. that's good news, isn't it? i mean even if you're innocent it's good news to know you're not a suspect. i feel fine, but i don't know how long that will last. of course i love you, daddy, you're my father. not yet.