why do you fight it so hard, earl? come on, you've been a good boy for a long time, you deserve a little fun. come on, earl, give yourself a break, you know you want to do this. you're the fucking 'man of the year', you deserve it. it's not like it's not set up. you already know how to by-pass the alarm, you know how to pick the locks. tonight's the perfect night. i heard you, earl, but you don't mean 'no'. they have their dance class tonight. what if we go by and just look at them. there's no harm in just having a look. please. pretty please. i bet your dick's getting hard, isn't it, just imagining what they would look like dead? oh lordy, earl my boy, i've missed this! we are going to have so much fun! don't you dare quit on me, you piece of shit. i want to see what they're doing. whoa, earl, what the fuck is this?!! these pigs liked to fuck with the blinds open, you should have known that, earl. this is a big mistake for you, earl. well, don't fucking do that. i don't think either of us would enjoy spending the rest of our lives in jail or a lethal injection. don't even think about it. you know the rules. now go up and make love to your beautiful wife. you're such a fucking hypocrite. if you were honest you would step out there and say 'hi, i'm earl. i killed two people last night and i really got off on it, but i need your help to be cured.' yeah but for the next 29 days you're going to have to step out there and say 'hi, i'm earl, i'm an addict.' and everybody will know you fell off the wagon. don't you feel stupid doing that? she's not telling you everything, she's hiding something. stop your fucking whining, earl, you enjoyed doing that couple just as much as i did, and look on the bright side, he came to us he didn't go to the cops. if he tries to shake us down we kill him. period. we make it fun but we kill him. end of story. and you were worried that this was going to be unpleasant. the answer is simple. just tell him you've decided never to kill again and he'll go away. in a word, yes. he put them in a safety deposit box but i'll bet the box is at the bank where he has his checking account and the key is on his keychain. he really wants to do this, he's not going to go to the cops. i can't think of anything else. pregnant's not all of it. she's hiding something bigger. much bigger. i know so, and so do you. no, i'm telling you he wants to do this. nah. just honk. maybe he'll get killed crossing the street and save us the mess of doing it. wow! we've never known anyone who's looking for us before. we've got to find out everything there is to know about this woman. maybe mr. smith would like to kill the driver of the pickup. i think that was right. go back. with the taxes we pay, you'd think they could make it more difficult to hack into the police personnel files. someone you did business with, someone we killed? excellent fitness report though. oooh. she's caught a lot of people. and look here, this isn't the first time she's been hunting for us. younger, restaurateur. she married him on the rebound from the doctor and i'll bet he married her for her money and her connections. wouldn't she have to declare any outside income and holdings to the police? why would a woman with her education and worth 60 plus million dollars and probably more to come, want to be a cop? you're such a fucking snob, earl. you like her because she's rich. that's exactly why atwood scares the shit out of me. she's a cop who doesn't need the money and she's looking for us. that's one fucking dangerous human being. you really should pay more attention to what you read, earl. his picture was on the front page of the paper a couple days ago because he escaped from jail. he's the killer they call the hangman. remember that cop you like, atwood, who's chasing us, she's the one who put him away. i think his name is thorton meeks. oh, i love what you're thinking. oh yes i do, and it's wonderfully twisted. you get the number? mr. smith wants you to notice he's pouting. even if that guy was charming and funny i still wouldn't like him. we both knew she was hiding something bigger, i certainly didn't think it was this big. she did it, didn't she? what are you going to do? yes, she does. but you've always been smart about it. she was stupid. she did it because she got off on it, she did it for fun. why didn't she think it through? a hatchet! and she left it there!! that was to shock her into making a mistake. you've always cleaned up after her, whatever she did, all her life. do you think she knows what kind of trouble she's in? and where would you be but at the exact same place you are now. it is not your fault, earl. part of your problem with her is that you always think it is. what are you going to do? and what about her child? you might be right, earl, you might be. because you know if she's not stopped, she's going to do it again. and if she wants to take over the box business, the next victim could be you. before you open your mouth, be very sure this is the right thing to do. you get pissed at me because i'm always the one arguing to go ahead and do murder. not this time, earl. this is your decision. then don't do it. go with mr. smith tonight and end that, then let the police put jane in jail. hopefully that will save her and we can happily go on with our tortured lives. the thing that bothers me about this, besides the fact we're not prepared, and a multitude of other things, is what does mr. smith do when he's walking west tonight and you don't show up. that little freak could flip out. how do you feel? that's understandable. you've never killed for this reason before. the feeling will go away. number one, mr. smith is not smart enough to do that. number two, there is no reason, if you're careful, to believe you will ever get caught. i'm not particularly fond of that plan, earl. remember if you die, i go with you and i like being alive. i like eating, i like fucking, i like killing. well fuck you then. it's time to go. dear emma and jane, my loves, i have a terminal illness and instead of subjecting you to my deterioration, i have decided to disappear. don't try to find me, i don't want to be found. please believe that the time i spent with you brought me the greatest joy of my life. love. dad. so you're going to go through with it. i smell gun oil, a gun oil that's different than yours. ah. now i get it. you were counting on that, weren't you? but if your plan is to have him kill you, why do you have to kill someone else first? not even you believe that, earl. it makes it more exciting, doesn't it, to think he's going to kill you after you kill someone else. you're getting your rocks off big time, that's why you're doing it. here comes the gun. it says here the thumbprint killer is a monster. annoys you a little bit that you can't take credit, doesn't it? don't kid yourself, earl, you're going to kill again.