god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change. courage to change the things i can. and wisdom to know the difference. living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardship as a pathway to peace. taking, as he did, this sinful world as it is, not as i would have it. trusting that he will make all things right if i surrender to his will. that i may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with him forever in the next. amen. thank you all very much. the first thing i would like to say is. i don't even know how i cut my toe nails. twenty years ago when i started the brooks box factory i never dreamed i would one day be standing here. god grant me the serenity to accept. she called. she has mid terms coming up. we'll see. no. no, marshall, i said 'no'! nothing. i was thinking of what i didn't say in the speech. no means 'no', marshall. the food tonight was very good, but i wasn't crazy about the dessert. would you like to stop somewhere and get something sweet? the pound's a pretty sad place; if you want me to, i'll go with you. i can't do this, i can't do this, i can't do this, please don't let me do this, god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change. i'm going to stay up a while, maybe go to the studio and play with some glazes. i thought you were wonderful tonight. don't do this, don't do this, please don't do this, don't do this, don't do, please don't do this. this is the last time, marshall. understand me?! the very last time! hello. be quiet and sit up. almost like i want to get caught, huh, marshall? yes, sir. please forgive me. please forgive me. hi, my name is earl and i'm an addict. i'm different marshall, i won't argue that with you. this is the only place that has ever helped me be normal and i've been straight up until last night for the past two years. i'm not going to kill again and i'm not going to quit coming here because it upsets you. no. i feel good. this is not the top of the line or the bottom, but for the money we're talking about this is the quality i can provide you. your packaging is the first impression your customers will have of your product. we'd love to work you with on the design. it's fun to challenge our machines. if you check around, you'll find we're not the cheapest, but we are the best. sunday, did jane call and say she was coming? hold my calls. what are you doing here, gorgeous? i can guess what you've done, but why don't you tell me and then i'll decide. okay. have you told your mother this? you'll have to tell her, i'm not going to do that for you, and then together the three of us will decide where to go from here. i don't know how you know that half way through your freshman year, but. i know. i'm not hiring right now. that's sweet, but you're talking about emotion, not business. in fact your mother and i came very close to selling out last year. if we had been offered a little more money, and they may come back to us, we will sell. yes? what is he? a salesman? that's okay. part of spending the four years in college is to. eh. to give yourself the chance to find out who you are and what you want to do. where would you live? would you pay for your food, would you pay rent? sunday, would you show the gentleman who gave you the envelope to the conference room, and tell him i'll meet him there and. what happened to the bmw? and get jane a cab. call your mother. if it were up to me, and i think your mother will agree with this, you should go back to school. you see all of this?! the factory, the houses, the cars, the money, the respect!!. i like them! i don't want to lose them! that's why i didn't want to do the dance couple! what can i do for you, mr? okay, mr. smith. then these are the only copies of these photos and you have no others. how did you find me, mr. smith? lucky me. what is it that i can help you with? you enjoy watching me suffer, don't you? where do you think he has the other pictures? from the angle of these pictures. . you live on the third floor of the apartment building across the alley from the couple's house. yes or no, mr. smith? what time do you get home from work? you can never come here again, you can never call me. do you understand that? tomorrow night, not tonight, tomorrow night, at eight o'clock, leave your apartment and walk east. i'll pick you up. we're both aware of the rules, mr. smith, but i feel i must warn you. if it turns out that you enjoy killing, it can become very addictive. it could ruin your life. have i covered everything? i'll see you tomorrow night, mr. smith. please god, please help me find a way not to do this. don't worry, if i were here to kill you, you would already be dead. after you left today, i realized our friendship was a little one- sided. so when we meet tomorrow night would you be so kind as to bring all of the pictures and the memory card from your camera. that way we can like each other simply for who we are. if you don't show up, i will presume you've gone to the police and i will kill you. even if i go to jail because of you, someone will find you wherever you are and kill you. it's nice to have you home. what's wrong? why does your mother think you dropped out of school? who's the father? there will be no abortion. you're right. i'm sorry. i said it wrong. i'm not trying to tell you what to do. i'm trying to say that a grandchild would be a wonderful gift for your mother and me. yes. the child is what's important. we would love it and cherish it completely and help you raise it. well, we were right, she was hiding something. you think so? he looks clean. he looks like he's alone. i guess i should turn around and go pick him up. they say it'll be sunny tomorrow. the pictures and the memory card all here? you and i both know that not all the pictures are in here and you made a copy of the memory card, isn't that so? yes, i do. but it's my hope that once you get to know me better you'll feel comfortable in giving me all that i've asked for. this is too close, marshall, too damn close. we drive around until we see someone we think we might enjoy killing. i don't enjoy this, mr. smith. i do it because i'm addicted to it. and before you entered my life i had vowed i would never kill again. so this is your party, you can chose anyone you want and we'll do it together. you never kill someone you know. that's the easiest way to get caught. maybe i already know how to pick the locks on the house, if i don't. i buy one of those locks and i practice on it, same with the alarm. some i know how to bypass, some i have to study. no. this is your first time, you're interested. and you should be if you're. what about the driver of the pickup? what if we killed him? do you want to kill the driver of the pickup or the owner, they may not be the same. okay we'll follow until we get a look at him, or her; would it bother you to kill a woman? the asshole shouldn't know we've decided to follow him, or her. would you recognize him if you saw his driver's license picture? i've memorized the license number, you write it down. when you get home go on the internet and find out everything you can about this guy. no. we could, but then we wouldn't be in control. we could leave loose ends, and we both know the danger of that. look at me. close your eyes. what's the number? don't feel bad, i've been doing this a long time. pen, paper. write it down. you really don't want to know that much about me, mr. smith. we're in. huh. her father's gerald atwood, why does that ring a bell? not someone we killed. mba. college of william and mary. she's been a cop for eleven years. married doctor carlson, divorced dr. carlson, married jesse vialo. restaurateur. separated from jesse vialo, sued for support by jesse vialo, seeing a shrink because of jesse vialo. she caught the hangman, the guy that escaped the other day. i wonder what the deal was with her and jesse vialo? ahhhh. now i remember. her father, gerald atwood, never did business with him but emma and i met him a couple times, big political fundraiser. he owns or owned one of the largest insurance groups in the country and a lot of other stuff. jesse vialo. good looking, a little younger than she is. the old man being rich doesn't mean she's rich. maybe he's one of those guys who would rather give it to the opera than to his kids. hmmm. the opera didn't get much. i like that about her. no, i like her because she found something that's hers. it's not the family business. and she's good at it. i'd like jane to find something that's hers and that she could be good at. the fact that you're not wrong doesn't make me admire her any less. can you still see his pickup? this is not the kind of guy who leaves his pickup in an unguarded lot overnight. where do we know that guy from? that's what i have you for, marshall. ahh. well, well, well. what would life be without surprises? i don't think i want to kill this guy. you have no idea what i'm thinking. i know i said we would, but i don't think it would be that much fun. yes. i got it. yeah, i know. i know you're upset, mr. smith, and i'm sorry. maybe i was a little abrupt back there, but let me explain. finding someone you think would be fun to kill is a bit like falling in love. you meet a lot of candidates, and you like some of them and they're nice, but they're not right; and then that special one shows up and your heart beats faster and you know that's the one. the man in the pickup did not make my heart beat faster. i don't know, i think i have someone in mind. no, let's see how it plays out. i promise you, it will happen. tomorrow night, same time. when you come out of your building, turn right, go to the first street you can go west on, i'll pick you up on that street. don't you think i want to do this, mr. smith? hi, what can i do for you? jane is my daughter, what's this about? is she a suspect? yes. she is. i'm sure you would have no objection if she had an attorney present. if you gentlemen can wait, i will call my lawyer right now and see what we can work out. would you like some coffee? she's not a suspect, marshall. she may not have anything to do with it at all. did jane ever tell you that there was a murder at her school? nothing? not that a friend died or someone she knew died? or someone in her dorm died? there are two detectives downstairs, one is from palo alto, they want to ask her some questions about a murder that occurred shortly before she came home. i called roger, he suggested a criminal attorney, they'll be here within the hour. mr. clifford, it was a pleasure. thank you for coming on such short notice. thanks again, roger. it was a good idea to hear what they wanted to know sooner rather than later. yup. you did good, kid. your answers were clear, concise and honest. and when they tried to trip you up, it didn't work. try and get some sleep. i think roger has a handle on this. he and mr. clifford will take care of it. i understand. god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, courage to change the things i can, and wisdom to know the difference. god help me. what do i do? yeah. it'll take the cops a week to ten days to put their case together and then they'll come back and arrest her. i've been afraid of this since the day she was born. she has what i have. they were pretty graphic, weren't they? what does she think i think? doesn't she remember what she told me? that the bmw was being driven across country by a friend and now right in front of me, she tells the cops it was stolen. if the bmw has anything incriminating in it, i hope it was stolen or she dropped it at the bottom of a very deep lake. i think she thought she had gotten away with it until the cops showed up. i should have listened to her, it was there. she was telling me. 'i didn't quit school because i was pregnant'. i should have dug deeper. she has what i have, marshall. so on a very basic level, it is my fault. maybe the best thing for her would be to let her go to jail. emma and i would raise it. i don't think she'd go that far. i will never be sure. i know it's wrong. in my heart i know it's wrong. that's exactly what i want to do. that's exactly what i should do. the thing is, she's my daughter and i love her. i'm going home. cancel everything for the rest of the day. i might be in tomorrow afternoon. i'll let you know about that. if you need me, need me, call my studio, that's where i'll be. i probably won't pick up, just leave a message. i'll take care of it on the way to the airport. not - able - to - meet - - tonight - do - it - same - - time - tomorrow - - night - don't - be - stupid -. don't - be - stupid -. thank you. god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, courage to change the things i can, and wisdom to know the difference. you're awfully quiet back there. dirty. i don't think so. it's the whole thing, marshall. if i could find a way to just disappear, where there was absolutely no trace of me; because eventually i will get caught doing this. and it'll be very embarrassing for me and emma and jane. so i've been thinking. is there a way that mr. smith could kill me and make me disappear. i know i will have to plan it for mr. smith, but i think that's what i want to do. i have to end it, marshall. one way or the other. and i think this is the best way. i had ideas for pots that took too long and the clay kept winning. i'll be fine. and there's a yellow chinese glaze i'm trying to get right. huh?. roger called. there was another murder last night near stanford. done the same way as the one they talked to you about. right down to the hatchet being left at the scene. they think they have a serial killer. obviously you were here last night, so you're in the clear. oh, yeah. how's the morning sickness? do you want to ride in with me today? do you love me, jane? have you decided whether or not to keep the baby? okay. yeah. it's all planned to work out, marshall. are you ready to rock and roll, mr. smith? he brought his gun. after he gets what he wants he plans to kill me. it has a certain logic. he'll need to see that to get up the courage to kill me. not true. and if it were, so what? you're goddamn great, you know. to have the balls to do this. perfectly normal. put these on. try a couple deep breaths through your nose. this won't take long. don't do that. you're welcome. yup. what are you doing?! well we're going sixty five miles an hour, mr. smith, if you shoot me now, there's a good chance we'll both die. that wouldn't be very smart of me would it? think about this. you pissed yourself back there, you left your dna at the scene of a double homicide, and there's nothing to indicate that i was ever there. if the cops do an analysis of that urine, and they will, you're the thumbprint killer. yes. but what were you doing at the second murder? let me help you with a thought. you say i forced you to come along and if i'm not here or more specifically my body is not here to say different, you might have a chance to beat the rap. now you're probably asking yourself why i would help you. i'm tired, mr. smith, i'm tired of killing. but i'm an addict, i can't quit. i've tried. i can't do it on my own. so i'll let you kill me but i want you to do it smart, in a way that i disappear and my family never knows what i was. there's a cemetery i know about. we find an open grave, you shoot me, i fall in the grave, you shovel in just enough earth to cover me, tomorrow a casket is lowered onto me and i've disappeared. it's a good plan. what do you say?. you don't have to trust me. you're the man holding the gun, you saw me put mine in the trunk. yes. i understand. it's locked. you don't want to climb over, do you? i own it. you always want to invest in things people can't do without. water and cemeteries are pretty safe. you'll need this to get out. now there should be an open grave around here somewhere. let's see if we can find it. there we are. now if i stand here. and you stand there, not too far away and you shoot me, i should fall straight back into the hole. i'm hoping you do. okay, let's get this over with. i'll close my eyes. i'm sorry. i really did want you to kill me. but in case at the last minute i changed my mind, i returned to your apartment and bent the firing pin on your gun. in fact i even brought another gun for you so you could finish me if i had decided to go through with it. unfortunately for you, my daughter is pregnant and just before you pulled the trigger, i realized how much i want to see the end to that story. the contents of your safety deposit box, mr. smith, have vanished. before i was the thumbprint killer, mr. smith, i killed a lot of people in a lot of different ways. anyone who is good at what they do, wants recognition. but since i'm not going to do it anymore, i'll let mr. smith take the credit. no, i'm not. i'll continue the aa meetings and i'll control it. but there is an answer i would like to have. why are you a cop? you're rich, you have a good education, you could have gone into your father's business, instead you went outside all of that and became successful on your own. why? did you think your husband's killing was random and i certainly didn't have to give you meeks. what's the answer? i have a little cold. are you going to give me the answer? i'll tell you if you can give me the true answer to my question. thank you. me? i'm on top of a building. agghhh!!! agghhh!!! oh. i woke you up. that i may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with him forever in the next. amen. . god grant me the serenity to accept.