before you get the wrong impression, mr. brooks, i'm not here to shake you down. no. i have other copies and other photos, and if something were to happen to me. you're 'man of the year', mr. brooks. your picture was in the paper. if it hadn't been, i don't know what i would have done. i've been watching that couple for months, they liked to make love with the blinds open. sometimes i would take pictures, you know, visual aides for later. it was fun, it was a great way to get off; i thought, until i saw you kill them. i have to tell you i have never ever felt a rush like that ever. i know you're the thumbprint killer, you've done this before. what i want is to go with you the next time you kill someone. and i would like that to be soon. so do we have a deal? well. eh. six thirty, seven, depending on the traffic. yes. if you're thinking of doing anything to me, mr. brooks. i want to do this. ahhh!!! ahhh!!! ahhh!!! mr. brooks?. mr. brooks?. wow!. oh! you scared me. thank you. no. eh, it's kind of a hobby, i just started. oh, yes in the house across the alley. no. i wondered that when i heard what happened, but. no. i'm sorry, i'm meeting someone and i don't want to be late. i wish i could be of more help, but sorry. woof! it's really coming down out there. i never trust those guys, when they say it's going to be clear it always rains and when they say it's going to rain, it's sunny. here's what you asked for. yeah. but you understand my position. that sounds fair. oh, i almost forgot. i thought you might be interested in this. it's the policewoman who's looking for you. so, what do we do now? what's the plan for the evening? really? that's it? i thought you might already have someone in mind. can it be someone i know? you don't mind me asking these questions? jesus christ!! fuck him!! it was his fault!! what an asshole!! oh, fuck, yes!! i've always wanted to kill someone who fucked with me in traffic. the driver. no. an asshole's an asshole. what are you doing? yeah. we aren't going to kill him tonight? i got it. vf. eh. what was your first time? maybe he went home with someone else. uh huh. there he is! you know what's weird? i'll bet he has all these plans of what he's going to do tonight and tomorrow and he doesn't know he will already be dead and won't be able to do any of them. what?! but you promised we would! so just like that, you're saying 'no', it's not going to happen. i see. yeah, i am upset. okay, he did not make your heart beat faster. if not him, who? do you need me to do any work on it? you see? that's my problem. that makes me feel like i'm being jerked around, mr. brooks. i thought it was happening last night, then it was happening tonight. and now it's "let's see how it plays out". i feel like you're planning to back out on our deal and i don't like that feeling at all. when? that's what i want to know, mr. brooks. when? okay. i want to do this. but if it drags on too long, i could change my mind. maybe you don't anymore. fuck you! what do you mean? i don't have anything to tell you. no. nothing. i don't know why you would feel that. no, i said i was an amateur photographer. no. i said my hobby was photography, not pottery. you are harassing me, detective atwood. you know very well i'm not a potter and i don't have any pictures! so my feeling is that your feeling is wrong and that you should move your car and let me go home. i'm a mechanical engineer. i guess. i'm pretty nervous but that's normal right? i have to take a crap so bad. that was great! it was fantastic! it was everything i hoped it would be. thank you. you're smart enough to figure that out, mr. brooks. not now. take the next off ramp. no. i still have pictures of you doing the first murder. how do i do that? why should i trust you? i don't know. you really want me to kill you? okay. but any sudden moves and you're dead on the spot and i'll make sure your family knows what you are. uh uh, take your hand out real slow. what are you doing with a key to a cemetery? why do you own a cemetery? you don't think i have the guts to do this do you? if you do anything to me, if you touch one hair on my head, the police will find the pictures of you killing that couple.