oh, he's not getting away with anything. can i have a month's vacation? with pay! get the cameras ready and follow me. never mind. follow me and grab whatever you can get. no, thank you. i'll be all right. oh, no, really - i'll be all right. well, i guess i walked too much. i've been looking for a job all day. i found one, too. i start tomorrow. mmm, it tastes so good. mr. deeds, i don't know how i can ever thank you. well, i guess i've told you almost everything there is to tell. my folks live in a small town near hartford. i'm down here alone trying to make a living. you've been having quite an exciting time here, haven't you? all those meetings and business deals and society people - haven't you been having fun? yes, i guess we will. it took some high-powered acting, believe me. i was the world's sweetest ingenue. he's the original. there are no carbon copies of that one. if we could sell tickets, we'd make a fortune. had the boys follow us. i don't know. i had to duck to get the story out. he was so far along he never even missed me. tonight, maybe. i even moved into mabel dawson's apartment - in case old snoopy cobb might start looking around. with pay! i enjoy it. well, i'd like to - but i have a job to think of. got any news yes, i know. what did they say? what did they say? what are they going to do? uh-huh. would you like to walk the rest of the way? it's so nice out. yeah, let's. he stands across the street from grant's tomb, looking solemn. his eyes moist. she is unaware of his emotion. come on, don't you want to see it? as they approach the monument. there you are. grant's tomb. i hope you're not disappointed. to most people, it's an awful letdown. i say, to most people it's a washout. there's times square. why don't you try? you're worried about those articles they're writing about you, aren't you? oh, they just do it to sell the newspapers, you know. shall we go? you know, you said something to me when you first met me that i've thought about a great deal. you said i was a lady in distress. what did you mean by that? no. are you? you don't go out with girls very much, do you? why not? you must have met a lot of swell society girls since you've been here. don't you like them? i'm from a small town too, you know. probably as small as mandrake falls. ah, it's a beautiful little town, too. a row of poplar trees right along main street. always smelled as if it just had a bath. i've often thought about going back. oh, yes. i used to have a lot of fun there when i was a little girl. i used to love to go fishing with my father. that's funny. he was a lot like you, my father was. talked like you, too. sometimes he'd let me hold the line while he smoked - and we'd just sit there for hours. and after awhile, for no reason, i'd go over and kiss him and sit in his lap. he never said very much but once i remember him saying: "no matter what happens, honey, don't complain." yeah, i know. the drums. he taught me to play some. yes. i can do "swanee river." would you like to hear me? oh, i suppose you could do better. "humoresque"? i'll bet you don't even know how it goes. it had better be good. no. it's nothing. hello. well, that's very nice. thank you. good night. mabel, that guy's either the dumbest, the stupidest, the most imbecilic idiot in the world - or he's the grandest thing alive. i can't make him out. i'm crucifying him. why? why do we have to do it? yeah, then what? here's a guy that's wholesome and fresh. to us he looks like a freak. you know what he told me tonight? he said when he gets married he wants to carry his bride over the threshold in his arms. is he? yeah, i thought so, too. i tried to laugh, but i couldn't. it stuck in my throat. he's got goodness, mabel. do you know what that is? no - of course you don't. we've forgotten. we're too busy being smart-alecks. i just couldn't stand seeing him again. tell him i had to leave suddenly. i got a job in china - some place. we're not going out tonight. it's off. he's having a party at his house. hello. mabel in b.g. i didn't think you could come with the party and everything. you threw them out! ready? let's just walk, okay? are you? when? i don't blame you. no, i don't mind. a girl? yes, here we are again. goodbye, darling. don't let anybody hurt you again - ever. they can't anyway. you're much too real. you go back to mandrake falls. that's where you belong - goodbye! "i tramped the earth with hopeless beat - searching in vain for a glimpse of you. then heaven thrust you at my very feet, a lovely angel - too lovely to woo." "my dream has been answered, but my life's just as bleak, oh, darling! yes. print one line of that, and i'll blow your place up! i'm having lunch with him today. he expects an answer. it's going to be pretty. he'll probably kick me right down the stairs. i only hope he does. that's the rub. this is for you , mac. the names of all the headwaiters in town. you can always buy a bit of choice scandal from them at reasonable prices. why - uh - i was just leaving - i'll be up there in a minute oh, please! i've got to see him. corny! corny! i've got to see him! i've got to talk to him! i do. louise bennett. yes. yes! yes! yes! no!! they're colored! just to make him look silly! yes, but i i've got a right to be heard! i've attended dozens of cases like this. they're usually conducted without any formality at all. anybody can be heard! my opinion is as good as these quack psychiatrists. i know him better than they do. no! no! no! wait a minute! you can't do it! you've got to make him talk. he must be made to defend himself before you arrive at a decision. oh, thank you! i know why he won't defend himself! that has a bearing on the case, hasn't it? he's been hurt! he's been hurt by everybody's he met since he came here, principally by me. he's been the victim of every conniving crook in town. the newspapers pounced on him - made him a target for their feeble humor. i was smarter than the rest of them! i got closer to him so i could laugh louder. why shouldn't he keep quiet? every time he said anything it was twisted around to sound imbecilic. he can thank me for it! i handed the gang a grand laugh. this is a fitting climax to my sense of humor. certainly i wrote those articles. i was going to get a raise - and a month's vacation! but i stopped writing them when i found out what he was all about! when i realized how real he was. what's that got to do with it?