but it's a great story. somewhere in this country a guy is walking into twenty million bucks. that's pretty. ah! i spy a native. let's ask him. that's an excellent start. at least we've broken the ice. must be a game he's playing. no, we won't! the next time that jumping jack comes out, i'll straddle him while you ask him your questions. remember us? we're the fellows who were here a minute ago. listen, pop, we've come all the way from new york to look up a fellow by the name of deeds. it's important - very important! then please pretend, for just one fleeting moment, that i'm asking. where does he reside? oh, it'll do in a pinch. yeah. a glorified doormat. why should you? nah. sounds like a two weeks' notice to me. i've gotten the 'sackaroo' in many ways - but never in rhyme. oh, that's different if it's just poetry. this afternoon - at four o'clock. see you later, kid. i looked everywhere. i even went to his house. it's locked up. look! that tuba player! well, now i've seen everything. jim mason? oh, yeah. yeah. no, i didn't send it. i've got it written out, though. here it is. oh, sure. sure. we don't want to fire arthur. you'd better get right down there. that opera mob is about to break into the mad song from "lucia." uh-huh. gentlemen, you'll find the smelling salts in the medicine chest. i can't hold out on you any longer. lamb bites wolf. well, how about tonight? what would you like in the way of entertainment? your uncle had a weakness for dark ones, tall and stately. how would you like yours? dark or fair, tall or short, fat or thin, tough or tender? women! ever heard of 'em? name your poison and i'll supply it. okay, you're the boss. arthur! who's arthur? are those stories true? they'd call you anything if you gave them half a chance. they've got you down as a sap. not editors. take my word for it. not editors! that's my job. i'll take care of that. i'll keep that stuff out of the papers - if you'll help me. but i can't do anything if you go around talking to people. will you promise me to be careful from now on? just as i suspected, wise guy! i don't mind you making a sap out of yourself - but you made one out of me, too. mary dawson, huh? mary dawson, my eye. that dame took you for a sleigh ride that new york will laugh about for years. she's the slickest, two-timing, double-crossing all right. go ahead. sock away, and then try to laugh this off. babe bennett? just a minute. if i knew you were going to take it so hard, i woulda kept my mouth shut. sorry. what's going on here? come on! take him out of here! what about your knocking off for lunch? come on, come on. what are you trying to do, kid? keel over? you haven't been out of this house in two weeks. okay, santa claus. 2000 lunches. what's up? what do you mugs want? insanity! who's says he's insane? oh, somebody got panic-stricken about his giving his dough away, eh? wait a minute! not so fast. we're going to get a lawyer. i'll call cedar. oh. what are you going to do - just sit back and let them railroad you? it's as pretty a frameup as ever hit this rotten town! if you'd just let me get you a lawyer! listen, pal - i know just how you feel. a blonde in syracuse put me through the same paces. i came out with a sour puss - but full of fight. come on, you don't want to lay down now. do you realize what's happening? they're trying to prove that you're nuts! if they win the case, they'll shove you in the bughouse. the moment they accuse you of it, they have you half licked. you've got to fight! haven't you done enough damage already? come on, what're you going to do? let them get away with it? they got you cooked. your honor, i've got a couple of cents i'd like to put in i've been with this man ever since he came to new york