you can't come up here! there he is! i just wanted to get a look at him. there you are! i just wanted to see what kind of a man you were! let me go! let me alone! yeah - that's all that's worrying you. what do i want? a chance to feed a wife and kids! i'm a farmer. a job! that's what i want! sure - everybody's a moocher to you. a mongrel dog eating out of a garbage pail is a moocher to you! stay where you are, young feller. get over there. sorry. i didn't know what i was doing. losing your farm after twenty years' work - seeing your kids go hungry - a game little wife saying "everything's going to be all right." here's the order for the plows. we got a good price on them. oh, mr. deeds my wife wanted me to tell you she how about us, mr. deeds!