say listen, corny, who do you think you're talking to? if the semple attorneys don't know who the heir is, who does? he's been here three days, and what have you numbskulls brought in! any halfwit novice could have done better! am i talking too loud? or annoying anybody? cobb, cobb! never mind about cobb. use what little brains you've got! find out something yourselves, you imbecilic stupes! now get out of here before i really tell you what i think of you. come on, get out! you too! thought i could depend on you, but you're getting as bad as the rest of them. what's gotten into you, babe? i remember the time when you'd blast this town wide open before you'd let cobb get away with a thing like this. with pay! uh-huh. now you're talking, babe. i'll keep the whole front page open. what are you going to do? cinderella man! that's sensational, babe! sensational! did it? is he really that big a sap? cinderella man! babe, you stuck a tag on that hick that'll stick to him the rest of his life. can you imagine cobb's face when he reads this? how'd you get the picture? marvelous! when're you going to see him again? sure. stop it, babe! stop it! what do you mean, you're quitting! you might as well tell me i'm quitting. what's bothering you, huh? proposed to you! you mean he asked you to marry him? sorry, babe. sorry. it would have made a swell story. i just got carried away. that's too bad. so he proposed to you, huh? well, i'll be that's tough, babe. tell him you're babe bennett? tell him you've been making a stooge out of him? you're crazy! you can't do that! i'll put you on another job. you need never see him again, eh? oh, as bad as that, huh? aw, listen babe, i can't let you quit now. you're not going through with this thing, are you? it's for you. in a couple weeks you'll get the itch so bad, you'll be working for nothing. when the windbag here gets through, your honor, i'd like to verify what miss bennett said. i'm her editor. when she quit her job, she told me what a swell fellow this man was. and anything babe bennett says is okay with me. i've already said it, your honor. i just thought i'd like to get my two cents in. don't be a sucker, pal. stand up and speak your piece. nice work, toots!