so the day they arrive, she greets the sultan and his family with barely a word and then retires to her chamber. the sultan, not used to state occasions without a head of state, is standing in the lobby waiting for someone to tell him what to do. but the court is under strict instructions not to talk in the corridors so nobody speaks to him, not a living soul, for the whole afternoon. so now it's dinner and everyone's standing round the table -- still not a word -- waiting for her majesty to arrive. one hour goes by, two, the sultan's getting a wee bit peckish to say the least. so finally, his wee laddy breaks for the cold meats and stuffs a slice in his mouth. well, the uproar when she heard. you'd have thought someone had stolen the crown jewels. so, there are rules. things you do and things you don't do. you don't tell her majesty how you feel. not down south you don't. so what did ponsonby do when she started shouting? seventy a year. how about yourself? that's pretty good for a ghillie. it's better than shovelling horse shit. she's hardly a full hamper herself. three years, john. is that not a bit long to be grieving? come on, man. there's love and there's . you know what i mean. there's love and there's behaving like you do because there's nobody to tell you not to. the good-looking one. you work the system right, you could ask her yourself. just be thankful you're not working for household. the queen never lets them out of her sight. but wee spats like us can slip through the net, easy. so? someone'll send it on ahead. john, it's not your problem what she eats. she's got an army of people to get her up and out. she'll blow hot and cold on you, john, she always does. you want to be careful. they said you were drunk. why don't you tell her the truth? what are you doing?! you've got three broken ribs, man! don't be an idiot! you're in no fit state to go anywhere. she'll get over it. and when was the last time she put herself out for you? look, john, whatever she says to you now, in the end you're still a servant. aye, she may say that to you, but the woman can say what she wants. come on, man, i'm telling you what you already know. when are you gonna see it, john? she doesn't give a damn about you. aye. she'll drop you. when she's done with you, she'll drop you. what's this? be careful who sees it. you should have someone look after you. the place is a mess. it's what the maids are for. won't you give yourself a rest, john? she's other people to look out for her.