congratulations, your royal highness! a boy, i hear. excellent, excellent. excellent! we're expecting brown this afternoon, ma'am. i'm sorry, ma'am? excellent, ma'am, excellent. but perhaps if her majesty were to consider accompanying her new-found physical vigor with the benefits of mental activity. forgive me, your majesty. in no way did i wish to suggest-- are you sure her majesty is up to such a long journey? she has only just recovered from a severe head cold. your majesty! thank goodness you're safe! i'll have a bath prepared immediately. i recommend macdonald's african embrocation -- she's drunk. a distinct flushing around the cheeks. she was drunk, i tell you. surely not . pandora's box . "court circular, balmoral." "on tuesday, mr john brown enjoyed a display of sheep-dipping by local farmers. on wednesday, he attended a seance where he was pleased to listen to a recital of auld lang syne by mr robert burns himself " ". on thursday, mr john brown walked on the slopes, accompanied by family and friend " mr brown retired early. the same, your majesty. i did not consider it wise, in the circumstances, to tax your nerves. better. erysipelas. a few days. when he heard, the prince of wales threw the bust from the window of the royal gallery. it took four hours to gather the fragments. dear oh dear. yes. of course. where did you find it by the way? well, no rest for the wicked, henry.