thank you, irene. i was so excited and nervous. it was sure great to have you to talk to. okay irene. won't that be the day. okay i will. thanks again. 1612 havenhurst. i am, mrs. lanois. it is mrs. lanois isn't it? pleased to meet you. okay, coco. yes, he is. he raises corn. well, i . have many famous actors and actresses lived here? i was meaning to ask you that. i guess i've come to quite a place. no, i don't. i can hardly wait, coco. it's unbelievable! wow! oh coco thank you. thank you so much. oh my! i'm ruth's niece. my name's betty. i'm sure she told you i was coming. i understand. i saw the dress. i. i'm sorry. are you all right? are you okay? oh my god. i'm sorry. i'll let you get back to that. i'm going to get unpacked. hi. do you work with my aunt? i. i mean. i. it's none of my business. she sure is. she's letting me stay here while she's working on a movie that's being made in canada, but i guess you know that. i couldn't afford a place like this in a million years. unless of course i'm discovered and become a movie star. of course, i'd rather be known as a great actress than a movie star, but sometimes people end up being both and that is, i guess you'd say, sort of why i came here. i'm sorry, i'm just so excited to be here. i mean i just came here from iowa and now i'm in this dream place. you can imagine how i feel. oh. but, this could be serious. if you have a concussion you shouldn't sleep. all right, but. i'm going to check on you. no grandpa, you wouldn't believe it. it's more beautiful than i ever dreamed . no she left me a lot of food. the refrigerator's full . aunt ruthie said she'd call me when she got settled. it was real smooth. i sat next to a lady who gave up her first class seat to a boy with a broken leg. she was so nice to me. she invited me to her house sometime. it's in bel air which is a place where people have a lot of money. i will. everybody's telling me to be careful, but i sure love it here grandpa. thank you for helping me get here . yeah, it's long distance. i love you. say hello to grams. give her a big kiss for me. okay, i love you grandpa . bye. what is it rita? what's wrong? what do you mean? you're rita. this is your purse. your name must be in your purse. open it! well. what do you think about then? i mean. well what do you think about? well . if you don't remember anything, i mean what goes through your mind then if you don't remember anything? how do you remember how to talk? you don't remember anything else? the money. you don't know where it came from? when you think about them. the money. the key . does it make you remember anything? i wonder where you were going. mulholland drive? maybe that's where the accident was. there must be a police report. we could call. we could call anonymously from a pay phone. just to see if there was an accident. just to see if there was an accident on mulholland drive. come on. let's find you something to wear. it's terrible . my aunt dresses like miss marple. she's kind of a frumpy woman detective in british movies. hollywood police department please. no, no, i just want the number. i'm inquiring about an accident that happened last night on mulholland drive. hi. i'm inquiring . well, i heard a sound last night that sounded like a car crash and i want to know if there was an accident on mulholland drive. can you tell me what happened? was anyone hurt? there was an accident. he wouldn't tell me anything else, but that was your accident rita. i just know it was. maybe there's something about it in the papers. come on i'll buy you a cup of coffee and we can see. not that i can see. just the coffee. rita, you want something? we'll take our check. you're welcome. we will. strange to be calling yourself. call the number. maybe the voice isn't diane selwyn. maybe that's your roommate or if it is diane selwyn she can tell you who you are. it's right about here on sierra bonita. that's not too far away. what's wrong with that? i know you're afraid of something. we'll be careful. tomorrow we'll go over there and we'll find out. it'll be okay. ruth's gone on a film. i'm her niece betty. who are you? i'm her niece. she's letting me stay here. my name is betty. i'm sorry, but i don't know who you are and i'm. whoa! "you're still here?" "nobody wants you here!" "my parents are right upstairs! they think you've left" "i can call them. i can call my dad. " "you're playing a dangerous game here. if you're trying to blackmail me. it's not going to work." "get out! get out before i call my dad . he trusts you . your his best friend. this will be the end of everything. " "stop! just stop! that's what you said from the beginning. if i tell what happened. they'll arrest you and put you in jail, so get out of here before" "before i kill you." cry, cry, cry, and then i say with big emotion, "i hate you. i hate us both!" thank you dahling! oh, no wonder i'm starving. i'm going to fix a sandwich. you want one? you've got to eat something. you're just nervous about going over to see if you're diane selwyn. i was afraid of that. it's just for a night or two, until she finds her own place. i tried to explain that to aunt ruth, but the connection was bad and her plane was leaving and she got it all mixed up. i kept telling her it was my friend and she kept saying she didn't know any ritas . coco. she's very nice. we went to school together. not really. i met her in junior college and she was from this other town. you're really something coco. thank you. everything is a-okay, but i've gotta get that sandwich! i hope i'm back in a couple of hours. don't drink all the coke. when i get back i'll have the cab waiting, so be ready to go. sorry to trouble you, coco. no, no. i'm on my way to my audition. before i go i wanted to ask you if you could remember the man's name . aunt ruthie's friend who helped put this together. it completely went out of my mind. thanks coco. it'd be so embarrassing thanks coco. i'll let you know. right. see ya. to my audition. wally brown. no, we don't. yes, sir. betty elms. thank you. thank you very much. thank you. my name is betty elms. i'm here to audition for. mr. brown yes. very pleased to meet you. pleased to meet you. hi. no, no, i'm fine. okay. what? betty. you're still here? nobody wants you here. my parents are right upstairs! they think you've left. i can call them. i can call my dad. you're playing a dangerous game here. if you're trying to blackmail me. it's not going to work. get out. get out before i call my dad. he trusts you. you're his best friend. this will be the end of everything. stop. just stop! that's what you said from the beginning. if i tell what happened. they'll arrest you and put you in jail, so get out of here before. before i kill you. i hate you. i hate us both! well, there it was. well, thank you. thank you again, mr. brown. it was nice meeting all of you. they seem very nice to me, and wally. mr. brown is a very close friend of my aunt's, so. . . oh . oh. i have to be somewhere. i promised a friend. c'mom. there's nothing to be afraid of. sol? and what's your name? ask him who sol is . why didn't you ask him? sol knows you! you're not going to get in trouble. you're going to find out who you are. finding out who you are gets you out of trouble. it should be around here. what is it? what do you see?! do you know them?! keep going. go around to the back. selwyn . number 12. diane? but it said #12. well . we'll leave her a note. i guess you're not diane. c'mon help me in. i'll open the front door. push!!! rita. i know what you're doing. i know what you have to do, but let me do it. you look like someone else. what are you doing? rita. i want you to stay here and you don't have to give me that money. no. we shouldn't touch that money. we don't know about that money. that might be dangerous money. you have to start all over again. you look like a brand new person and you can be a brand new person. whoever you want to be. hey, let's introduce the brand new you to hollywood. we haven't seen the roof garden yet. here i am hollywood! my name's betty.