i guess it was your grandfather, was it . he called me to check in, said you were on your way and for you to call when you get in. nice man. farmer i hear. damn lot of corn raised in hollywood these days too. you don't have to tell me. it's written all over that pretty face of yours. you came here to be an actress. i just hope you'll remember there's never been a great poem called "tits and ass." you probably don't remember her, but louise bonner lives right over there in number 29. when she isn't drunk she runs a damn good acting class. honey, all the great ones came through here at one time or another. sweetheart, you don't know the half of it. that's good. they're allowed, but i don't like 'em. for obvious reasons. one man used to live here that had a prize fighting kangaroo. you wouldn't believe what that kangaroo did to this courtyard . let's see your aunt's apartment . it's a good one. i told ya. now i guess you and your aunt have an understanding. so here's the key and you need anything, just give a holler. everybody in this building's pretty much okay with me or they wouldn't be here. if you want, later i'll introduce you around. no hard feelings if you don't, and don't forget the rooftop garden. it's just up the stairs we passed. it's open to all the tenants. you can see the hollywood sign from there. you got it! see you later honey. louise. what're are you doing louise? this is louise bonner. i'm sure she meant well. this is betty, ruth's niece. in fact and fortunately i was just coming to see betty. betty's a young actress and i'm delivering faxed pages of a scene for her audition tomorrow. here they are honey. now come along louise and i'll take you home. sorry about this. sometimes it happens. stop it, louise. let's get you home . goodnight betty. hello . ruthie. how's the great up north? . oh, i'm sorry to hear it . what? well, i haven't seen her if she's in there. now, ruthie there's nothing to worry about. i saw betty last night and she was just fine. yes, and i gave them to her. she's a real nice kid, ruthie. now stop worrying, will ya. i'll go over and have a look around. i will. i've got the production office number. i'll find you. now keep your socks on up there and take lots of "c." goodbye honey. hi! who are you? can i see you outside a minute betty? your aunt called me. she wants to know who's staying in her apartment. sweetie, look at me straight. so i guess your grandpa and grandma know her. honey. i was married to a director for thirty years. he had an uncanny ability to read people. maybe some of it rubbed off on me or maybe i had it all along . you're a good kid. what you're telling me is a load of horse - pucky but it comes from a good place. i'll trust you to sort this out. now i'm not going against ruth. she's got enough to worry about up there in canada. if she asks- i'm going to say everything is okay, and you make sure it is. if you need any help you know where to find me. don't make me out to be a sucker. louise bonner says there's trouble in there. you remember last night. sometimes she's wrong, but if there is trouble - get rid of it. it's all right gorgeous. something wrong? his name's wally brown . great guy. been in the business since forever. naw! he wouldn't have cared. just give him a good performance and he'll be happy and i've got a feeling you'll do just that. get going. you don't want to be late. good luck, honey!