adam, where are you? they've closed the set. they sent everybody home. they fired everyone. ray did . and then they closed the set. everybody's gone. you'd better get down here adam! you've got to talk to ray you've got to fix this. home! meet me at the office. we've got to do something . you've got to do something adam! adam, this isn't like you. please come to the office. there must be something we can do. i know. where are you adam? someone called me. when they couldn't get you they told me you were as good as broke. i didn't believe then, so i made some calls. you're broke! i know, but you're broke. where are you? do you know somebody called the the cowboy? yeah, the cowboy. this guy, the cowboy, wants to see you. jason said he thought it would be a good idea. something tells me this guy is connected with what's happening, adam, and i think you should do it and i think you should do it right away. it's been a very strange day. sort of, funny boy. if i tell him the meeting's on you're to go to the top of beachwood canyon. there's a corral up there where he'll be. will you meet with him? i'll call him, then call you back. if you want you could stay at my place. i'm just offering a place to stay. okay, but you don't know what you're missing.