yeah. sammy thinks the caddy had stopped along the shoulder . man up the road said he saw two cars drag racin'. then you got that blind corner. the boys found this on the floor in back of the caddy. could be unrelated. no. could be someone's missin' maybe. handstitched italian. filled with phony credit cards . off the two guys in the caddy. yeah. just . dr. scott's got 'im. you remember dr.scott. well he said. you know in his way. you know what i mean? besides the guy gettin' rolled up under the kids car which busted him up pretty bad, there was this little knife-like torn piece of metal, you know, off the car body, rolled out and slid up through this guy's neck and just kinda slit his aorta, you know, but they didn't find it right away, so the guy's losin' a lot of blood, you know, to the brain - all this time cause it was just like this thin little puncture wound on the surface of his neck that kinda sealed itself, he said, while inside the aorta is bleedin' pretty steady all that time. so, dr. scott's laughin' you know like he does 'cause he knows we want to talk to this guy. he's laughin' you know and shakin'. son of a bitch couldn't stop laughin'. it was kinda contagious 'cause pretty soon we were all laughin'. the nurse was laughin'. you know how he is. nope, not yet. their fingerprints don't match up anywhere. yeah . and they both use the same address. palmdale.