not at all. it takes guts, lionel. what do they want from me? what have i done that's so wrong? they act as though they don't have their own peculiar things. they do! believe me. everybody's got something. even you probably have things. why are they ganging up against me? it's the kids, you know, not jeremy. he had nothing to do with this -- except pay, of course. he's always willing to pay. he's extremely generous. i'm so humiliated that my own children would threaten me. they said if i didn't get help, they wouldn't deal with me any more. what do you think about that? mmmmfffstttubll abbittmm. i said. you must come out to the house for dinner on thursday. yes. jeremy will be home for the weekend. and you can meet the kids. -- sorry everything's in such an uproar. lots of big occasions coming up, and of course christmas is only eight months away -- -- i don't know what's keeping jeremy. you know he stays in the city three nights a week -- i guess i explained that. . i know katie's here, but i'm not so sure about martin. i'm making dinner myself tonight, so i'll have to leave you, i'm afraid. i'm awful i know, but will you please help yourself. i just got a new copper sauciere from williams-sonoma and i'm afraid it'll be the death of us all if i don't get back in there. i'll be back. -- the argument had nothing to do with it. i had ordered some books. "the 100 greatest books ever written." oh, all the great writers -- shakespeare, charles dickens, moby dick. those people. each is bound in genuine premium leather with 22 carat gold accents. it's a magnificent set -- and only $33.50 per volume. right away you get great expectations for just $6.99. it's irrelevant. it had nothing to do with what happened. we argued on sunday. he went to work on monday and stayed in the city during the week, like always. but on thursday, when he normally comes home, he didn't. didn't call either. not till saturday afternoon. it's happened before. i'm shocked by how little i'm feeling. i can't understand it. i'll probably have a complete depressoid collapse soon, won't i? he said he wasn't coming back. he said it wasn't working for him any more. that it hadn't "worked for him" for quite a while. you know what i regret the most? i'm sorry i let him make the kids take his name. he was an acquirer. he liked to acquire things. you think that has something to do with my problem? ordering all those things?. like i was on some kind of campaign to out-acquire him. . if i was just an acquisition to him, and he lost interest once he had me -- that can't be it. it's too simple. and besides, i still like it. this morning i ordered a marble turtle cheese board from the horchow collection. can i tell you something just awful? you know how people who are just assholes will sometimes look at a woman who's got problems and say, "what she needs is a good shtupping!"? well, there may be something to that. jeremy didn't keep up his end -- oh, what difference does it make? why do i feel elated? am i in denial? you know what it feels like?. i know my time's up, but i've got to get this out while i've got hold of it -- -- when i was in high school, the thing i wanted most, when i was stuck in class, the thing i was always desperately in pursuit of -- was a hall pass. that's all i wanted. i loved moving freely around the school while everybody else was trapped in there. and that's how i feel right now. like i have some giant, all- day hall pass. my god, did it just get hot in here or what? see you next time. i'll probably be a basket case by then. "there's no shame in getting a little therapy", right, doc? hello, mr. follett. have a good session. bye, doc.