i get outta the truck in this two- bit town. i got no money and no prospects. what i need right now is a stiff drink, a cold shower, and a hot broad. i'll take 'em in any order they come. oh yeah, one other thing i need -- an angle. i was thinking -- if it weren't for bad luck, i wouldn't have any luck at all. either my luck had just changed, or fate just bought me another round of trouble. she kept yammerin' the whole time, but her hips were doing all the talking. it couldn't 'a been any clearer what the set-up was. the next move was up to me. i have eighteen more minutes! why not? well, i don't know. i only been seeing you -- now hold on, i didn't say i didn't want to come -- the town was a rube's heaven, but i found work my first day out down at old man sutter's gas station and diner. i knew his stacked young wife was going to be a problem, but, hey, life is full of problems. back at the boarding house, i was washing up when i heard a load of yellin' and -- i got my first look at the landlady's daughter. lucky for me, she was plenty upset but not too careful. or maybe it wasn't an accident at all -- -- 'cause in that instant i saw the beginning of a vixen's smile and i knew -- what? why? i'm paying for this. you find it distasteful, don't you? i enjoy it. does that make me some kind of pervert? just because a man has a rich imaginative life -- no? i never said that. go to hell. we got divorced. i had to get rid of her. she couldn't satisfy me. i was. never satisfied. you are so mean. what is it? should i open it now? what exactly is it supposed to do? -- i find it degrading. maximum gynecology and minimum turn-on -- -- which i don't necessarily agree. and the experiment is in here? whoa, whoa, what are you doing? i want to know what's in here. hey! i agree with you that you don't know what you're talking about. that's what i've been saying all along. and i can guarantee you that looking at the lost ark or whatever you got in here is not going to mean diddly to me. . but if you think i'm going to let you walk out of here without seeing what's in this box, you don't know much about henry a. follett. what?! what the hell is so important i can't have five minutes --? uh, sorry, i'm going to have to. . i really appreciate what you're trying to. uh, i can't thank you enough for. i'll see you on. whatever. old man sutter's young bride had got me in hot water all right, and now i was bein' dealt the beating of my life. if there'd just been two of those bastards it would have been a little closer. the landlady was good at quite a few things, but doctoring wasn't one of them. lucky for me, one of the other boarders, the broad who lived downstairs in the front room. was a nurse. and she had ways to make you feel better they didn't teach in nursing school. me too, doc. and i can't tell you what that package meant to me --