hey, kids. oh, hi. you must be dr. mumford of mumford. jeremy brockett. sorry i'm late. traffic was a motherfucker. have another drink, i'll be back in five. i think you'll like this. know much about cuban cigars? makes the whole thing that much better. just hold the flame a little bit below the end. that's it. now just turn it slowly as you draw. are you a man who likes to treat himself right? i am. and i'm not ashamed of it. nobody ever said on their death bed -- "i treated myself too well." fill in the blank. i don't mind the office. the point is, you only go 'round once. like the zens say -- be here now. althea hasn't told you? well, in '85 four of us left our firms and formed an investment banking venture. we've got twenty-three people working there now. we've done. very well. you know anything about addiction, doc? well, i'm addicted to winning. i say when you're in the red zone, you gotta score. so what do you think? no. i mean about althea. about her. . behavior. do you think you can fix her up? she's gone weird is what's wrong with her. out of control. probably from living out here in mayberry. you're the doctor, what do you think? i think we all knew that, professor. the question. the real -- -- quest-tio-nee. is. why?