you're early. it's not ready. what happened? who was that? i think it's like. inquisitive. man, you see him a lot. and it's very wrong to reveal it. next you'll be saying what his problem is. you're terrible. i'm never telling you anything. how long you been in this town? four months, two and a half weeks -- that's how long. and you've already got more patients than those other two shrinks combined. look at that guy. you know who that is, don't you? you really don't? that's skip skipperton, man. he gets himself hit by a truck, this whole town shuts down. so, what makes you so popular? what's your secret? not sure. let me think about it. psychologist. he's not medical. doc. ainge. ainge! ainge! do we run into the street? no, i didn't think so. nice car. how's that place? and the brocketts? it was insane here, man. 'hadda call in the national guard. then i did my laundry. watched 20. 20. shocking. did you know the government is wasteful? you heard it here first. oh, and being a supermodel. it's no walk in the park. no gentleman caller, doc. not that i care. i've had it with men. they're so fascinated by their own crap. took me four years to get the last one out. almost turned me into a dyke. these days my idea of a hot date is a long shower by myself before bed. now that feels good. and you don't have to do all that. listening. oops. sorry. i guess that's the story of your life. they come through a few times each year. hello, mrs. saito, good to see you again! it's a tour. you're on your own today, honey. it's a pleasure to meet you. oh? i've seen you going by on your board, but i didn't realize -- you're so young. to be so. so accomplished. i'd better get in there. it's okay. they pre-order. there's a choice of three entrees. meat loaf, turkey quesadillas, or salad nicoise. you do? well, come on in. stop it! he's a kid. i'm old enough to be his. older sister. doc. doc. i don't want you to be mad at skip. skip and i wouldn't have got together if it weren't for you. that's a big deal. i want to give you something. will you let me? yes, you do, you damn well do. here it is, some advice -- do the hard thing. clean up the mess. no matter what it takes. too bad. that's tough, i mean it. i'm not unsympathetic. but skip says you're in love. then it's worth it.