mumford. like the town? what's happening here? do you think that's a good idea? what kind of doctor are you? oh. not a real doctor. -- we've met. sofie's not here. what'd you want? what? i think we have a right. keep it zipped, ben. finally, some common sense. i think you know what i mean. i think you do. why don't you go to hell? it's all a bunch of nonsense and you know it. you're telling me? that's rich. -- the problem is you're a big fake. you haven't got a clue what's wrong with that girl. take a hike, dr. quack! well, look who's here. just who is here, can you tell me? no, you can not. i wouldn't know who to say is calling. i could see right through you from the start, you imposter. i know what you're after. i knew it then and i know it now! sofie. it's so obvious. you're after my daughter. it'll never happen! you're in big trouble, mister.