personally, i would like to surrender. why can we not just surrender? then let's run away. right now. while we can still make it. then let's play dead, huh? nobody ever does that anymore. in the desert? what for? i got caught robbing a synagogue. lots of good stuff in them holy places; churches, temples, mosques, and who's guarding them? exactly! i speak seven languages, including hebrew, so my specialty was synagogues. how about you? kill somebody? what then? robbery? extortion? kidnapping! then what the hell are you doing here!? it is three days down the nile, then two days by camel, sahibs. along with the scorched bones of my entire garrison, sahib. a thousand pardons, my good sahibs but there is much work to be done. my very good friend! what a surprise. you never were any good with the ladies, o'connell. unfortunately no, these americans are smart, they pay me only half now, half when i get them back to cairo, so i must go all the way. you never believed in hamunaptra, o'connell. why are you going back? the devil himself lives out there. you always did have more balls than brains. even? o'connell! i am going to kill you for this! hey o'connell! looks to me like i got all the horses! good morning, my friend! patience, my good sahib, patience. fools. they belong to the dead. they will wait years for their masters to return before leaving. ten to one, o'connell, your odds are no-so-good. just looking for you, o'connell! i wanted to be with my friend! why do you like to fight so much? the curse,. beware the curse! like what that moses guy did to that pharaoh guy? may the good lord protect and watch over me as a shepherd watches over his flock. and may satan in all his forms be vanquished forever. you left me! you left me in the desert to rot. this is prince imhotep, high priest of osiris. the prince does not like to be touched by other humans. a silly eastern superstition, i'm afraid. he has come to help mister burns. somehow i feel responsible. do you know where i can steal some? mister burns, prince imhotep thanks you for your spectacles, -- and for your eyes,. and for your tongue. but i am afraid more is needed, the prince says he must finish the job, consummate the curse which you and your friends have brought down upon yourselves. what friend? you're my only friend. it is better to be the right hand of the devil,. than in his path. as long as i serve him, i am immune. you shall see. the book! the black book they found at hamunaptra! imhotep wants it back. said to me it would be worth it's weight in diamonds. something about bringing his dead girly-friend back to life. he needs the book. and your sister. imhotep! imhotep! take his hand and he will spare the others. come with me my princess. it is time to make you mine, forever. kill them. all i remember is him turning into a blast of sand,. and then i remember nothing. keep moving. yeah? prince imhotep wants your heart. he wants your heart and your brain, your liver, your kidneys. and how do you say? those slimy things, in your stomach? yeah! them. o'connell!! go away.